Liberal Prof Has Meltdown After Getting Fired For Encouraging Killing Of Trump…Twitter Community Responds

We are so far to the left right now that people literally walking among us who think it’s perfectly acceptable to call for the murdering of people for whom they disagree with politically and are surprised when there is pushback on that level of extremism.

Kevin Allred has gone full whine on Twitter after being removed from his position as an adjunct instructor at the Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies program at Montclair State University in New Jersey over his call for someone to shoot President Donald Trump “outright.”

On Friday night Allred tweeted: “Trump is a f*cking joke. This is all a sham. I wish someone would just shoot him outright.”
And he calls himself an intellectual? Third graders have more common sense and are better able to control their impulses than this man. He has no place teaching others.

Even though Allred deleted his tweet, he still tried to defend it, saying: “saying you wish Donald Trump was dead is different than making a direct threat against him. Just saying.”

Look how the Trump supporters responded!

Via Milo Yiannopoulos reported that in 2016 Allred was fired from Rutgers because he forced students to destroy an American flag, threatened every white student in the class by saying he would shoot them all given the chance.

While denying those allegations, Allred admits that he did bring an American flag to class on November 9 for his students to cut up. He also admits to tweeting, “will the 2nd amendment be as cool when I buy a gun and start shooting atrandom [sic] white people or no?”

Unfortunately, he learned nothing from that experience.

I love how liberals are so full of righteous indignation after people object to their hateful rhetoric. The narcissism displayed by types like this guy is truly astounding. He seriously believes it is someone else’s fault that he had to take the consequences of his own actions and to say that colleges bend to conservative pressure is ludicrous. They have gotten away with so much rhetoric lately that they think they can do and say anything with out retribution.

As the left has said over and over again, words have consequences. Only now it is finally affecting them.

What do you think? Does he deserve to be fired?

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Natalie Washington

Natalie D. is an American conservative writer! Natalie has described herself as a polemicist who likes to "stir up the pot," and does not "pretend to be impartial or balanced, as broadcasters do," drawing criticism from the left, and sometimes from the right. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington.She is a "constitutional conservative".

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Brenda Stilwell
Brenda Stilwell
7 years ago

From his picture he looks white. He hates whites. He hates america. Remember the man without a country. That story where he was condemmed to sail the seas and never put his feet on soil as long as he lived? This is what we should start doing with these idiots.

Dr. Poland
Dr. Poland
7 years ago

Kevin, there’s always Evergreen or Berkley to apply to for a job, just think of how you could shine there.

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