Jon Voight Inaugural Speech at Trump Concert in Washington DC.
Oscar-winner Jon Voight followed, speaking from a podium where he could be seen by all.
This is some day,” he said, chuckling, before growing Serious. “Dear friends and fellow Americans, I’m so honored to be here to welcome you all to the inauguration of the 45th president of the United States, Donald J, Trump.
It’s been a very grueling year and a half for the president-elect,” he continued, noting the “barrage of propaganda” spread about him, “not knowing if God could reverse all the negative lies about Trump, whose only desire was to make America great again.
” No mention of propaganda about Trump’s opponent or what a year and a half it might have been for her.
He certainly didn’t need this job,” Voight averred. “And God answered all of our prayers, because here it is. We will all be part of history.
” Truly reaching, Voight added that Abraham Lincoln was surely “smiling, knowing America will be saved by a good and honest man.”
Voight introduced Sam Moore, who sang “America The Beautiful” a la Ray Charles.
Watch this video below
Posted by Trey Gowdy, Liberals' Worst Nightmare on Thursday, January 19, 2017
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