John McCain – Traitor To The Party, Traitor To His Country
Sen.John McCain possesses such bitterness, and lack of leadership it makes me wonder how he was ever considered a hero.
In an interview from Munich, Germany, airing Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press, McCain said he has some concerns regarding President Trump contradictory statements and understanding of some issues about foreign policy rhetoric.
“I worry about statements which upset our friends at a time when the strains on the European Union and Europeans are greater than they have been since any time since the end of the Cold War.”- McCain said.
To a question how much confidence he has in the current commander in chief, he answered: – “Well, I worry.
I worry about the president’s understanding of some of these issues and his contradictory articulations. And I think the rollout of the, quote, ‘immigration reform’ was an example of a need for an orderly decision-making process in the White House. And that, I think, is probably what’s plaguing them more than anything else right now.”
“And I think the rollout of the, quote, ‘immigration reform’ was an example of a need for an orderly decision-making process in the White House. And that, I think, is probably what’s plaguing them more than anything else right now.”
McCain who was in Munich for an international security conference said that he is “pleased” with the president’s national security team, but he is also very concerned about the membership of the team.
Well actually, we are all concerned about you Sen.John McCain and we are also very disappointed in your attitude and words of discontentment. Speaking bad about your president overseas is one of the most cowardice things you can do.
Trying to undermine the president is only an act of jealousy, but you must know this: Working against President Trump, is the same as working against this nation!!! Shame on you!

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it’s appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn’t be censored. Join him & let’s spread the good word!
The TRAITOR speaks again with nothing but trash……He now is a proud Demo.