Ivanka Trump Once Again Attacked By Silly Liberals! This Time For Her Outfit
Ivanka Trump looked stunning today when she went to work!
The liberal side of the social media world didn’t think so, however. They attacked her saying that the dress was “inappropriate”
Luckily Ivanka, class act that she is, didn’t respond to their childish tantrums.
We have never seen the First Daughter when she wasn’t gorgeous. I am very proud of her. It’s called Class.
When it comes to reporting about Trump and his family, media only covers the bad news. However, we are here to inform you with the truth!
And the truth is that we have a classy first daughter!
According to Daily Mail:
The 35-year-old first daughter stepped out of her Washington, D.C. home in a sleeveless black calla lily-printed dress from Victoria Beckham’s Target collaboration – a steal at just $35.
Although scattered thunderstorms were in the forecast for the area, Ivanka looked ready for summer in her breezy mini-dress, which she accessorized with a pair of lace-up stilettos and a simple black handbag, both from her own eponymous fashion label.
But this stylish, savvy First Daughter likes a bargain just like the rest of us! She’s known to often rock pieces from her affordable eponymous fashion label and today she opted for a flirty frock from the wallet -friendly Victoria Beckham collaboration with Target.
This dress was instantly recognizable thanks to the artful calla lily print that ran the length of her dress– a motif seen throughout the collection.
Here are the photos:
Do you think Ivanka’s dress was inappropriate?
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Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it’s appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn’t be censored. Join him & let’s spread the good word!
She looks very nice in this dress but I can remember she is not the only one that has been accused of dressing inappropriately. I believe Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton was also dogged so Ivanka I guess is no better than anyone else.
those other ladies were scum bag’s, they wouldn’t look good in any thing. the trump’s ladies are all class.
They are all very pretty
She looks classy. Very eligant . She’s beautiful.
really cute outfit..head to toe class…kudos Ivanka!
She’d look good in a dress off the clearance rack at Target.
She looks stunning!
She is Beautiful !!
Role model
Everybody wants to look like her
With all that is going on in the world right now why is this even a subject. What a shallow society we are. But I feel I need to say to those who keep knocking her that Ivanka would make a potato sack look good.
Very classy. I have not seen be anything but…..
Awe–the jealous people of the world. The worse critics usually come from the ugliest people , that couldn’t wear anything with style, but has a evil heart, constantly criticizing those that can. All the women in the First Family are gorgeous in anything they wear.
She looks great as usual! Since when people judge the POTUS family? Enough already!
She looks stunning beautiful and classy and there’s a whole Lotta people out there that are very jealous of her shame on them
She is beautiful and looks fabulous in this dress. Perfection!!!!
They are shocked about her dress, but libs will Twerk, and run in the streets naked..
Liberals will criticise anything Conservatives do, wear, say! Get used to it, that is how their
brains function.
You should talk. Pull your foot out of your mouth.
People are ridiculous! Guess they have nothing better to do! She is amazing and her style is excellent!
Anyone criticizing her is just jealous. They need to take their own inventories!
Ivanka, always looks great!!! Pay no attention to these people. They have nothing nice to say and just want to hurt people!!
not my style. Dress or heels. I think it could be a little more tailored if she was going to work. It looks like a dress to go shopping in. Not working. And for the record, I don’t have an evil heart, am not ugly, I have style, (my own) and do not carry jealously when I look at others fortunes. Just sayin’…….
Not my style now either because I would look stupid in it. But 30 years ago would have looked great. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that dress or heels as long as it looks good on who is wearing it. Have you seen lately how some people are going to work? Look like they just crawled out of bed & put on the nearest thing they could grab. Also, most now days are dressing in clothes that are 5 sizes to0 small.
To each her own Sherry. I love it and wish I could wear it, Ivanka wears it with class and style. Ivanka knows better then most what is and is not appropriate. The people who count praise and adore her. Who cares what the others think?
My mother always told me “if you can’t say something nice don’t say anything at all”
The Trump ladies are both beautiful no matter what they choose to wear.. I have never seen either one of them in anything un- appropriate. When you have class you do not dress like M. O.
Got that right! M.O. was an embarrassment to the USA – not only in her awful dresses, but her ignorance on how to approach others. Remember when she met Queen Elizabeth? Everyone knows to NEVER touch the Queen! What a jerk! Tacky, sloppy, she had it all.
You look so cute i am 79 and they would like to have what you have plus a good Mom and a good wife and a great daughter do keep up the good work. P.s> i am a Canadian .
Ivanka is a beautiful young mother and wife. Ivanka represents our government and the USA with dignity and proper dress code for her state in life. Stop for a minute and look at yourself. What would you say your choice of dress is? Perhaps u would say you cannot afford to dress up and represent yourself proudly, but that would be a lie. Clothing is not the problem here but you have to say something negative about this fine person. President Trump is proud of Ivanka and rightly so. Ivanka is very proud of her father our President who is treated so badly and disrespected no matter how good and hardworking he is for you negative Americans. What do you expect of him and his family? He has given up so much And in return you make it so hard for our President and his good family. What is wrong with all of you? Be kind and lend a helping hand to keep our country the great country it has always been.
Absolutely correct! Ivanka always portrays herself with dignity, pride, care, and grace. She is never rude, or any way, obnoxious or pretentious. I think she presents herself to The World as an excellent example of proper accomplishment in The USA. Wearing a “lovely” dress from Target with the presentation which it was designed and manufactured to provide for every woman. Back when I was ‘well enough’ that I was still able to ‘non-stop’ work, I always did my best to appear every bit as good. After all, a person’s job is an important part of their life, and they should present themselves in the appropriate way. So, for all the degrading fools who try to put her down for appearing so outstanding for her job, their appearance is obviously as much a disgrace as their work.
You are so right Helen Godfrey.The libs of America should be ashame the way they are treating Mr. Trump and his family. If he was not the President they would be crying how the world would be going today.We all should be proud of all the hard work he is doing to try and put this Country back to the way it was yrs ago before they tried to destroy it.
I have searched my brain and stared at the dress. What on Earth is wrong with it? I never would have guessed it is from Target. Kudos for wearing it. She just can’t win!!!! Jealous is all I can figure!
Nothing is wrong with the dress except it is a tiny bit short (for my taste). Otherwise, she looks great as usual.
Beautiful, intelligent, and classy Lady. The critics need to get a life and eye glasses. They’re obviously
missing it all.
Not the right look for work. The real problem is that the dress just looks too nice on her!!!
She doesn’t need fashion advice from anyone but, I know “sexual harassment” in the workplace is still a real problem. She may be better off wearing a “power suit” to avoid potential harassment problems at work.
Dressing in Government is different than dressing in the private sector. However, she is still learning the ropes and they should not be so critical of her for looking “too nice” at work.
Ivanka lookef adorable is this dress. She is always the epitome of the fashion world and you news media really should give up trying to put her down, Always beautiful. Since she will not ever say this I will. You all are a bunch of asses who would not know your ass from a hole in the ground. Now go find something on the democrats because you have more then enough with Hillary, Obama, wacko Maxine , sicko Nancy or just plain stupid Chick to write about.
I agree.. To the Trump family, go on with your lives as much as you can. You are all appreciated and you are all being prayed for more than you know. “They” the haters in this world are trying to break you down. They are afraid of you. You are all very strong, stand strong in the Lord and He will give you strength. You are doing a great job. Please don’t let them get you down. You are all amazing. God is with you. You all always look Beautiful, handsome, and we know that you Love our country. Thank you for Loving Israel.
Not sure where she’s going but if you’re going to work, dressing more business like would be more suitable. She does look nice just not suitable for work imo. I’ve sent some of my workers home for not dressing appropriately when meeting clients. Business attire is always preferable.
100% CLASS.. Nothing like we had in the past White House.. Ms. Obumma looked like she was “GOODWILL” hunting. Sorry anyone who knows anything about class can surely see this is top notch presentation.
The only class less people are those who criticize the beautiful and classy First Lady and first daughter we have.. we can finally be proud.
She looks stunning as always !
Love the dress….totally appropriate for the area she works in….DC can be unbearably hot in the summer, so the dress is fine. These articles are written by females in men’s suits….so I don’t value their opinions in the least
This is such a waste of time. Really? I think she looks gorgeous, but is that what peopleneed to be focused on?
Ivanka is a beautiful lady is why Liberals are angry. Why can’t she be on our side, they ask themselves. It’s because she is a moral person and they are not.
“REALLY” people! You have no life if you can bitch about what Ivanka Trump wears on a daily basis. I bought this dress and wore it to Derby!!! It is beautiful and well made.
Why do they `the
ugly people’ pick on the good looking people, and vice versa? It’s called ignorance.
She looks beautiful but not crazy about the length of dress and shoes!Maybe too cute for day at the office!!;-)
There is nothing wrong with her dress! They just have to nit-pick at everything! GET OVER YOURSELVES!!
Like it but a little much for the WH.
classy and lovely head to toe
I am thinking the people that criticize Ivanka must be feeling jealous… She looks great in anything she wears…
Can someone explain why it looks bad??? Im not crazy about her dad, but i love fashion and she looks fabulous to me.
She always looks good. They are just jealous. Love your family and Ivorians.
If she wore a $35 dress from Target, should she spend time in prison because she supported a capitalistic enterprise, Target, rather than making a dress out of recycled diapers from her kids’ trash can?
Because the vagina hat wearing wack jobs were so in style and classy. Did someone crack open a 6 pack of dumb ass!!!!
Haha your awesome! I totally agree
This is madness!! First of all, when did it become our job to tell the family of the president how to dress? Who decided how Ivanka should dress to go to work?? Based on what?? Maybe we need the “dress police” for any woman over the age of 12. (Some of our schools are getting there!) If this is how you spend your time, I’m sorry for you.
She look beautiful as usual.
She looks lovely as always
She looks good in anything she wears! Just leave them alone and let them do their jobs!!!!
What a beautiful & classy dress. What’s not inappropriate about her dress? Jealously, maybe?
Classy! Those complaining are Jealous! As a matter of fact, I would love ❤️ to have it, love the Calla Lily’s what is wrong with people, why can’t they say something nice about her & the First Family. Obviously they have no Christian Values! I was taught “If you can’t say anything Nice, then Keep Your Mouth Shut! You 🤐🤐🤐
She looks beautiful and classy as always; have the liberals forgotten Hillary and her coat that matched a vacuum cleaner bag??? Was Hill better than this to you??? Really???? This girl could wear a potatoes sack and now it look regal face it.
She is a beautiful woman,and she is showing she can dress,model its her money she can dress with all colors patterns,prints expensive .They haven’t seen nothing yet,wait for jewelry.