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Forgotten Video: Pro-Immigration Protesters Force Nancy Pelosi Off Stage, And Almost Attacked Her During Her “Dreamers” News Conference

The liberal mainstream media cames out with excuses for her before Nancy Pelosi could even open her mouth.

For example, we have a video from Pelosi where she was almost attacked by her own “Dreamers”, however, that video didn’t get attention because it was too damming for the liberal elite!
Dozens of pro-immigration protesters interrupted House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi during an appearance at her district in San Francisco.

Pelosi, who was joined by fellow Democratic Reps. Barbara Lee and Jared Huffman, were holding the event to call for the passage of the DREAM Act, which would codify the legal status of immigrants brought to the U.S. as children.

“Our nation’s Dreamers are an inspiration to all of us,” Pelosi told an assembled crowd, “with their courage and their patriotism. They embody the promise of America … of the American Dream.”

Soon after Pelosi began her remarks, however, a number of protesters entered the room and unfurled a banner in front of her podium. Pelosi was forced off stage and she was moved off to the side as the demonstrators, in a call-and-response chant, demanded a “clean bill that protects immigrants youth without hurting our families.”


PROTESTERS: “And now you tell us, you have the audacity to tell us you have been fighting deportation?”
PELOSI: “Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes, I am.”
PROTESTERS: “You are a liar! You are a liar!”
PELOSI: “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
PROTESTERS: “You are a liar! You are a liar!”
PELOSI: “You are not helping the cause that we want to take to —[cross-talk] Well, do you not want to listen?”
PROTESTERS: “We are the cause! We are the cause! We are the cause! We are the cause! We are the cause!”
PELOSI: “Why don’t we do this? Since you don’t want to listen — since you don’t want to listen, we’ll have to just go.”

Video below:

(disclaimer: the video is from Nancy Pelosi’s dreamer’s conference and dates back to September 2017)

Our team found this video and we were really surprised that this damming video was never aired on our mainstream media even do we know they protect people like Pelosi.

Aren’t you freaking sick of these people?! Aren’t you sick of these freaking politicians acting like they’re freaking royalty?! Let me tell you something, this isn’t the sixteen hundreds. We don’t have kings and queens in this freaking country.

(This post may contain disputed claims. We make no assertions as to the validity of the information presented by our Opinion Columnist. This is an opinion article, and this post should be treated as such. Enjoy.)

Michelle McKennie

Michelle is American conservative author she is committed to the constitutional principles of individual freedom, economic liberty, limited government, personal responsibility, and traditional values. She is a libertarian and provocateur who believes in freedom and liberty for all Americans. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington, while exposing politicians and individuals who wish to do us harm.

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2 years ago

Morons among morons !!!!! Nancy included!!!!!

2 years ago

Please stop helping Democrats conflate illegal aliens and “immigration”. Almost all Americans are pro-immigration…it’s how most of us or our ancestors became Americans. These folks were pro-illegal alien protesters. Let’s get it right.

Abraham Lincoln
2 years ago

One could only hope Democrats were deporters

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