Angelina Jolie Attacked President Trump Immigration Ban
We were the only country in the world whose immigration system puts the needs of other nations ahead of our own under Obama’s administration.
Real immigration reform puts the needs of working people first – not wealthy globetrotting donors.
We all want to keep our country safe. So we must look to the sources of the terrorist threat — to the conflicts that give space and oxygen to groups like the Islamic State, and the despair and lawlessness on which they feed.
Donald Trump is moving our country in that direction!
Angelina Jolie is one of the many whiny liberals from Hollywood who attacked our new president immigration ban!
Breitbart reported that Jolie warned that Trump’s temporary immigration ban is “playing with fire” and will “worsen” America’s war against terrorists.
“Shutting our door to refugees or discriminating among them is not our way, and does not make us safer,” Jolie wrote in her oped. “Acting out of fear is not our way. Targeting the weakest does not show strength.”
She added that “the lesson of the years we have spent fighting terrorism since Sept. 11 is that every time we depart from our values we worsen the very problem we are trying to contain.”
Though she never mentioned Trump’s name, Jolie made it clear that she is against him by saying his immigration ban is a departure from “our country’s history of giving shelter to the most vulnerable people. Americans have shed blood to defend the idea that human rights transcend culture, geography, ethnicity, and religion.”
“If we send a message that it is acceptable to close the door to refugees, or to discriminate among them on the basis of religion, we are playing with fire. We are lighting a fuse that will burn across continents, inviting the very instability we seek to protect ourselves against,” she wrote.
One little thing that Angelina missed is that she can’t stop Trump’s travel ban and refugee plan! Americans stand up to the whiny liberal community and they show to the world that Hollywood stars need to accept our new president!

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it’s appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn’t be censored. Join him & let’s spread the good word!