More Than 50 Democrats Attempted A Military Coup Against Trump
The Democrats seem to forget that Trump was elected President. Today, more than 50 House Democrats from the Judiciary Committee, Armed Services Committee and the Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus wrote a letter to Secretary of Defense James Mattis and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr. They expressed their opinion for Pentagon not to comply with President Donald Trump’s recently announced ban on transgenders serving in the U.S. military
The letter was led by House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member John Conyers, Jr. and House Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Adam Smith, and it was a response to a Trump tweet that transgender individuals will not be allowed to serve in “any capacity in the U.S. military.”
President Trump was voted by the majority of the people to be our President. They are destroying our form of government as you go against the rights of the people. In other words, the Democrats are out to destroy the military by demanding transgenders to be put on the battle lines.
The lawmakers wrote: “As members of Congress with an abiding interest in our nation’s military and its policies towards the LGBTQ community, we write to not only express our strong opposition to President Trump’s recent tweets seeking to ban transgender individuals from the military, but to remind you not to comply with any unconstitutional directive which may ultimately be issued,” the letter reads.
They added: “We commend the professionalism displayed by the military’s leadership in their initial response to President Trump’s ill-conceived pronouncement. But as you are no doubt aware, federal court decisions have recognized that under our Constitution transgender people are protected against discrimination on the basis of sex – like everyone else – as well as on the basis of their transgender status.”
“Unfortunately, President Trump’s proposed ban is yet another troubling sign of his willingness to make impulsive policy decisions while ignoring military leadership. We appreciated the measured response of Secretary Mattis General Dunford and other military leaders in response to President Trump’s rash announcement of a proposed discriminatory and unjustified ban on military service by transgender individuals. We would urge President Trump to stop making policy via Twitter and to consult America’s professional military leadership before making decisions that affect the lives and safety of our citizens.”
50+ House Dems are urging Sec'y of Defense, Joint Chiefs of Staff not to comply with Trump's transgender troops ban.
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) August 4, 2017
Do the Democrats honestly feel that the generals in the armed forces are going to listen to them? Wow, they really do think they have power. Still, there can be only one commander in chief of US forces. The Constitution stipulates that one shall be the president. There is nothing in the US Constitution, nor any other law passed by Congress that infers that the military must accept anyone it deems unfit.
Yet, I wonder do they realize that the Generals are the ones that counseled with Trump and made this transgender ban recommendation?
The military is not designed for a social experiment. Trump is right and as Commander in Chief is keeping our military for protection only. Keep America Safe comes first and foremost.
What do you think? Do you support President Trump’s transgender ban?

Natalie D. is an American conservative writer! Natalie has described herself as a polemicist who likes to “stir up the pot,” and does not “pretend to be impartial or balanced, as broadcasters do,” drawing criticism from the left, and sometimes from the right. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington.She is a “constitutional conservative”.
These 50 some Democrats, instead of taking the procedure in how to take out a sitting duly elected President, which is impeachment, explain in the Constitution, they call on the United States Military to join them in taking down a President, unconstitutionally and instead they have commenced a soft coup de tat by asking the U.S. Military to join them in this action. These individuals should be arrested charged with sedition and treason against the Constitution of the United States and the President. You don’t defend the Constitution by going against what the Constitution has stated is unlawful. What are we to do? Defend the Constitution or ignore the charge that the Constitution makes in these situations.
I will say this once again to these democrats dummys like Maxine walters, Nancy Pelosi and those who speak out against president trump, Trump is not doing what he’s doing by himself not his doing alone, we the people of the United states who voted him in like his actions and if we don’t we will let him know. We stand behind trump in everything he’s done so far.we love trump get the big picture democrats stop threatening our leader if anything happens to him or his family you will be held responsible for this country going into a blood war far worse than the civil war. Democrats back off now last warning.
Its the women of today in politics that are going batty. Not a bit of common sense. Maxine Walters, Nancy Pelosi and a few more women with higher ranks have lost it. It makes you scared to vote for any woman.
This is a democracy,not a 3rd world country…We voted,You lost,so STFU
And why isn’t everyone of those MF’ERS in JAIL !!!!! or SHOT FOR TREASON !!!!!
Congress must be declared a terrorist organization and handed over to the Justice Department for criminal prosecution, Democrats and RINOs alike. Anybody who fails in their Constitutional duty to make this happen needs to go with them. A little harsh, but we’re about to lose our country and nice doesn’t work anymore.
I would think the Congress has had enough time to get used to having a new president with an agenda he campaigned on and now is keeping his promises, not like Obama who turned out to be the wrecking crew for America. At least Trump is making decisions. Obama had his right arm helper, Valarie Jarrett, running the Whitehouse while he was golfing. I understand that she had a lot of power and an interesting background as most of his administration. Our country put up with eight years of this monkey business of who was really laying his ground rules. He must have had 50 Czars that did what they wanted and no one knew who they were and where they came from.
I support President TRUMP in every decision
he purposely imposes
Amen & Amen!!!
We are watching it occur right now with Mueller and his sorry group of crooks! Mueller has no business being in that position according to 28 CPr 45.2. Remove his behind!! Washington, you must think Americans are really stupid if you think for one minute that we don`t see what you`re doing.Our Congress is lazy and paid for and bought. I did not realize our corrupt Washington is. I am so grateful President Trump won!!
We voted Trump in, we like what he is doing. We voted you all in but we don’t like what you are doing. Better stop or you won’t like what we do.
Too bad we’re not in Wonderland. Queen of hearts would say
“Off with their heads”
Completely. Men and women only, not half and half.
I think psychologically impaired individuals with identity crisis should not be put into highly stressful positions in combat. I cant see them watching their teammates backs in a crisis.