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Watch: Snoop Dogg Says Enough Is Enough! CALLS FOR NFL OWNERS TO DO THE UNTHINKABLE! (Video)

Hollywood celebrities are becoming more and more uncivilized. Acting is their job and career, what else can we expect?

Rapper Snoop Dogg is demanding that an NFL owner step up and hire Colin Kaepernick in the wake of the National Anthem protests that returned in big numbers around the league this week.

Watch the video below!

According to The Daily Caller:

The 45-year-old rapper applauded the owners who joined their players in the national anthem protests on Sunday and Monday night but said it’s time one of them to hire the guy who started it all.

“Enough with the bulls**t. Which one of you NFL owners is gonna give Colin Kaepernick a job? I like what y’all doing standing with the players and all that, but there are some sorry a** mothaf**kin’ quarterbacks in the NFL. My n***a need a job,” Snoop Dogg said in a video posted to Twitter.

“Which one of Y’all gonna give him an opportunity to get back on that football field? That’s what I wanna know,” he continued. “I’m down with Y’all holding hands and takin’ a knee and all that, but which one of Y’all gonna give cuz a job? ‘Cause he spoke up on some real s**t–police brutality that’s still happening, so give him a job and then we’ll be half-way home.”

“I like the antics and all that s**t, but cuz still need a job. And he good at quarterback, better than half of these sorry mothaf**kas in the NFL,” the rapper said. “Give cuz a job, that’s the next mothaf**kin’ cry out. Hire him. Give him a shot. Backup quarterback, he better than a lot of these starters. Enough said.”

Hey, Snoop. You like him so much, why don’t you hire him? Kraperdick is the last thing the NFL needs right now. Besides, he has had offers – he wants starting money. Plus, he isn’t very good anymore.

Oh, and about that BLM girlfriend, any team that signed him would need to have their head examined!

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Alex D.

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it's appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn't be censored. Join him & let's spread the good word!

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Lucille morgan
Lucille morgan
7 years ago

Anyone who has such a foul mouth as Snoop Dog of course would be for Kaepernick neither one is worth anything.

7 years ago

SNoop Dog is a piece of gangster crap..if his n***a cuz needs a job, let him hire him! ITs people like him who have taken race relations back to the 50’s..always playing the race card no matter what, always the “poor us”, we’re so oppressed, can’t work, can’t get jobs..Booker T Washington wrote and talked about people like Snoop Dog, Obama, Sharpton, BLM, Antifra, Jackson…people who want to keep blacks down, keep them slaves in their own minds, tell them they aren’t able to do isn’t whites that do that to them, it’s their own black leaders, how else would they earn millions if blacks didn’t listen to them…. Oppression BS coming from millionaires playing a game and rapper millionaires who rap about killing, hatefilled lyrics about women, cops doesn’t work either…So Dog, you and CK get together and kiss each other’s butts , if NFL hires him NFL will have no viewers at all

carla scrudato
carla scrudato
7 years ago
Reply to  Brenda

Sure give him a job at Burger King that is a real good job for that disrespectful looser.

7 years ago
Reply to  Brenda

I guess since Snoop dumb-ass spoke the NFL better listen. How about this Snoopy why don’t you give your nigga cuzz Colin KaeperDICK a job. Give him the best blow job he’S ever had. That should make both of you happy. ENOUGH SAID!

7 years ago

Here is another big mouth that the American people made a millionaire and thinks he has the right to disrespect our country if it was not for America where would you be Snoop.Money does not last forever Snoop be careful be very careful what you say these days it will bite you sooner or later .

7 years ago

This Nigga done Smoked himself Retarded….. Go lay down Boy…..

James Hubbard
James Hubbard
7 years ago

Snoop Dog needs to get down and kiss the American ground that has allowed him to become whatever famous person he thinks he has become. And, ‘famous’ doesn’t necessarily mean ‘good’.

Sharon Clark
Sharon Clark
7 years ago

Another actor that I watched bites the dust. Idiots,, think their opinion is more important!

7 years ago

At least he has an excuse for being such an idiot, years of pot smoking has destroyed his pea sized brain. No excuse for the rest of Hollywood and the leftinistas.

s long
s long
7 years ago
Reply to  Grumpy

You tell them Grumpy last time i saw him he had his pants on backwards !

7 years ago

What’s funny is Snoop Dogg legal name Calvin Rhodes got chased out by the LBC Crips for being a fake so like a music artist has any reason to tell anyone to do something as asinine as that dude put down the blunt you need some sober time homie

7 years ago

Boycott stup-dogg!

7 years ago

Someone may give him a job if he was good enough. He is a loser and forgot how to play football. He was a lousy quarterback that was benched. He was losing his significance so he thought of starting some shit by kneeling to keep his name in the headlines. What a waste of everyone’s time and money.

Gary Buelow
Gary Buelow
7 years ago

Get the Hell out of our Country you black LOWLIFE SCUM

7 years ago

Hell yes, NFL give Kapersmuck a job, like picking up the trash in the stadium after a game. Just because he’s black he demands “special” treatment. All these ignorant team owners just let the players control them and let them do what ever they want. You’ve treated these pathetic players like the prima donnas which they think they are. So, not only are you paying them millions of dollars, and letting them do what ever they want during a game, you are now LOSING millions of dollars because “spare the rod, spoil the player” … If you think that Snoop Dog has the answer to your woes, you go ahead and bend-over for Kapersmuck….I’m certain that HIS demands will only start a wave of demands from other players on other teams but I guess that won’t really matter as the American viewers no longer give a shit about the NFL and the prima donna players.

Colt Baldwin
Colt Baldwin
2 years ago


Last edited 2 years ago by Colt Baldwin
Colt Baldwin
Colt Baldwin
2 years ago

Still having trouble understanding gangsta, but I think this foul-mouthed, racist rapper is telling NFL owners to complete their wokeness and hire an aging, no-talent, America-hating black supremacist.

J. D.
J. D.
4 months ago

I’m sorry what’s the nfl? I stopped watching and cheering for cry babies the day my dad was buried in military funeral as the team I loved kneeled during the national anthem.

I don’t believe you should have a black national anthem that is different than an American national anthem. However the idiot owners who let a player destroy their fan base should be rehired!! Talk about a DEI story!!

good luck losers and I don’t want my tax paying money supporting these whiners!!

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