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Video: Second Amendment Works – He Thought He Was Going To Walk Out With Free Stuff, She And Her Firearm Had Another Idea

Google “Shoplifting in San Francisco” and you will find more than 100,000 hits. And you will find lots of YouTube videos, where you can watch a single thief, or an entire gang, walk into an SF Walgreens or CVS and empty the shelves. Most walk in, go about their pilfering, and then walk out, though at least one thief rode their bike into the store and departed the same way, carefully navigating their two-wheeler down a narrow aisle.

We probably shouldn’t call it shoplifting anymore, since that term connotes the idea of a person trying to conceal their crime. In San Francisco, there is no attempt to conceal theft, and there is almost never any effort by store employees, including security personnel, to confront the thieves. The most they do is record the thefts with their cell phones.

Why is shoplifting so rampant? Because state law holds that stealing merchandise worth $950 or less is just a misdemeanor, which means that law enforcement probably won’t bother to investigate, and if they do, prosecutors will let it go.

Why won’t store employees do anything about this theft? Because they don’t want to take the risk. I doubt many would, knowing that a Rite Aid employee was murdered recently after trying to stop two thieves. Moreover, a confrontation within the store risks harming not only store staff but also customers, so employees are almost certainly instructed by their managers to do nothing.

However, a video that was sent to us today comes from California and shows that the second amendment still works in this liberal state!

In the video a group of girls tries to stop a shoplifter from walking out of the store with his stolen merchandise, he probably would have gotten away but the store owner shows why the second amendment is so important!

Video below:

The Second Amendment in the United States once again resolves a situation before anyone innocent is hurt. It seems that there are many times when robbers are able to use their intimidation or use of fear to steal from a business but there are those who will not see them escape so easily.

Bruce Hoenshell

Bruce Hoenshell is a military historian, he is one of the most prolific conservative writers today, often churning out multiple columns per week. His writings tend to focus on international themes, modern warfare. Style Sampling: “ It is not that we need social networking and Internet searches more than food and fuel, but rather that we have the impression that cool zillionaires in flip-flops are good while uncool ones in wingtips are quite bad.”

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3 years ago

I would have shot him until I had to reload.

Charles P. Smith
Charles P. Smith
3 years ago

Perfect. Should be the standard/default response to attempted theft.

3 years ago

Good for her. When I hear lefties speak of “it’s just property and the business is insured” it makes me realize these so-called citizens seem to think this is all some sort of game.

Joseph Edelen
Joseph Edelen
3 years ago

Too bad he was allowed to walk out of the store. He belonged in a body bag.

Janice Gillman
Janice Gillman
3 years ago

The “stand and draw”! Works every time!

3 years ago

The USA needs an all out race war to remove the subhuman, useless eater vermin!

3 years ago

just a homie xmas shopping

3 years ago

Homie tot he be coo yo.

Alej Marcos
Alej Marcos
3 years ago

However, a video that was sent to us today comes from California and shows that Negroes are the cancer of this country.”


2 years ago
Reply to  Alej Marcos

Wait a minute!! There are wonderful blacks and bad ones and there are wonderful whites and bad ones and you appear to be a bad one.

Dave Huff
Dave Huff
3 years ago

So, you can hunt them over bait, but it’s catch and release?

What fun is that!

Let’s go Brandon!

3 years ago

That a girl!!!

CC Ryder
CC Ryder
2 years ago

Well, he didn’t get away with those items he was stealing from that store, but I’ll bet that the next store he went to he did and that would just go to show how far down hill society has gone in our country.

2 years ago

Hahaha! That punk got put in his place by a girl! Hahahahahaha, not so big now are you dude?

2 years ago

Deport all blacks!

2 years ago
Reply to  CharlieSeattle

Deport Charlie of Seattle !!! Deport all illegal! You can’t just condemn a whole race. That is ridiculous to even make such a comment.

2 years ago

Reality sets in. Consequences have consequences.

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