Stunning-Dick Cheney To CNN Reporter: Trump Took Us To Point Where We Don’t Need You Guys Anymore (VIDEO)
Vice President Dick Cheney landed a major zinger on a CNN reporter this weekend. He was at an event with Obama’s former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta. They were talking with CNN reporter Barbara Starr of CNN.
Cheney had a few really funny lines but the one about CNN and the press was hysterical.
Here;s a transcript via Real Clear Politics:
CHENEY: I think he needs to be careful but he’ll learn as he goes along. I think he is putting some brains and good people with him. I am a big fan of Mike Pence. I know Mike well from his 12 years in the House and I think he’s a great choice as Vice President. He’s going to play a major role. I think Mr. Trump is taking very, very seriously the job that he has gotten now. Staffing up the administration.
I think one of the reasons people get so concerned about the tweets is it is sort of a way around the press. He doesn’t have to rely upon, uh, rely upon — this is the modern era, modern technology. He’s at the point where we don’t need you guys anymore.
CHENEY: I apologize.
This video is cued to start at the exact right moment, so just push play:

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it’s appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn’t be censored. Join him & let’s spread the good word!
Chaney is telling it like it is. There was a time when you could count on some percentage of the MSM to tell the truth. Unfortunately, during the last presidential election virtually no MSM was interested in the truth. The MSM — CNN being the most offensive example — was dead set on electing Clinton, truth and objectivity be damned. The public in general is “mad as hell” at the MSM and is not likely to get over it any time soon.