After Soldier’s Widow Slamed Trump For His Condolence Call, He Hit Back With His ULTIMATE Weapon
Myeshia Johnson the widow of Sgt. La David T. Johnson who was one of four soldiers killed in Niger slammed President Trump on live TV on Monday. She criticized Trump for how he spoke to her during a condolence call last week.
Myeshia Johnson said the president had blundered through the condolence call he made to her last week, only deepening her grief because he did not seem to know her husband’s name.
Johnson said: “I heard him stumbling on trying to remember my husband’s name and that’s what hurt me most. Because if my husband is out here fighting for our country and he risks his life for our country, why can’t you remember his name? And that’s what made me upset and cry more.” (video below)
After watching this scripted interview I think the Democratic Party is a number one Slimeball, using a bereaved family for their political purposes. Next thing on their agenda will be using this for impeachment. Shame on them. They have no respect for anyone or anything that doesn’t gratify their agenda.
But, President Trump decided not to be silent on this and quickly responded on Twitter.
He wrote: “I had a very respectful conversation with the widow of Army Specialist Sgt. La David Johnson, and spoke his name from beginning, without hesitation!”
I had a very respectful conversation with the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, and spoke his name from beginning, without hesitation!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 23, 2017
Our president cares for all our men and women that serve in our military and respects every one of them and their families. Stop the lies your telling on President Trump, he loves our Country and trying to make our country Great again.
I am sorry for her loss but she is disgracing her husband’s commitment and sacrifice. I wonder how much she got $$$ for trashing the man that tried to console her???
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Natalie D. is an American conservative writer! Natalie has described herself as a polemicist who likes to “stir up the pot,” and does not “pretend to be impartial or balanced, as broadcasters do,” drawing criticism from the left, and sometimes from the right. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington.She is a “constitutional conservative”.
After listening to the congresswoman’s comments, I tend to lean towards a sympathetic response to LaDavid’s widow. Somehow I expect that Ms. Wilson reacted in such a way due to her translation of President Trump’s words that Mrs. Johnson didn’t really understand what the President was trying to convey, and it became a negative message instead of a positive one. However, it should never have left the confines of that automobile. The commiseration should have been as Ms. Wilson expressed in her CNN interview, using her very words to say what she believes the President should have said. She has far more experience, apparently, than he does in dealing with families who’ve lost their loved ones to war, so taking it to the public and using it against the President who was doing something unfamiliar yet heart-felt was pretty unnecessary. It just stokes the fires of discontent and keeps the divisive rhetoric rumbling around the public arena. President Trump mistakenly made a faux pas. I doubt he will do so again. I hope the two of them have a civil conversation around this subject eventually and both learn some discretion.
Asshat Fredericka Wilson had a lot of input on what this woman said. It is a shame that this woman let Wilson do that to her.
she’ll be getting a check from boss soros before long.
seems like her “attitude” changed from her first response. You are probably right.
I believe that the president was nothing but respectful. And we all need to be every afraid of people who would disrespect . A fallen service member to further their hate crimes . This is disgusting .
Yes, it was the left that used her grief and paid her , yes possibly Soros to trash even her husbands memory , so sad for him and his families loss and that also he unwittingly married a leftist snowflake that used his death to cash on on him . It would not mattered what President Donald Trump said to her ; The left would have damned it and made a scandal of it. It is how they work. The real shame is in that she went for it.
When will stupid people leave or lay down and die. The liberal left is never satisfied with anything…however, they have crazy, literally, certified damn politicians who couldn’t tell you anything about our constitution! Now does that tell the far left that yes, WE all know that y’all are stupid and ignorant. The definition of stupid is knowing better and doing “it” any way, however, ignorant means you were raised in the knowing the results but thinks you’re “educated” and has no idea! Choose, either would apply!
I do believe our President is totally inocent in what they are portraying him to be, about this whole incident.
No President, be he good or bad on policy, Democrat or Republican, in a situation like this, his conversation with the widow and family will always be one that is sincere, caring and respectful.
Shame on everyone that is dissecting his words into a political fiasco, and using the fallen soldiers family to advance their own agenda.
She makes inbred trailer trash upper crust by comparison. I listened to the condolence call. As a widowed person myself, I found our president to be nothing shy of totally respectful. This pile of trash should have her ass kicked.
Incited by that nob in the cowboy hats
I was wondering about this long lapse to defend President Trump by the widow. Such a perfect set up by the media. Enter stage left the now rehearsed scripted widow on Que. Her hate for Trump is so enormous she willingly lied and distorted every detail. Its hard to have sympathy for a person who has no integrity, conscience, or decent morals. Hate rules her and hate does not follow truth. She wont even have to convince herself of her lies she wants to believe it she may even made herself hear it. She let her all consuming hate over ride the truth. The widow disgraced her husband while trying to tear down Trump. Everyone I know becomes very welcoming and warm, forgiving and appreciative to all who pay their respects when someone has died. Any conflict or issues are now unimportant, no time for petty nonsense. No ones feelings get hurt over stumbled words it is a hard time for everyone, just happy they are there. Not this widow. It sickens me that she would sink so low and not only disgrace herself but disgrace the memory of a soldier who was married to such a woman. From Puerto Rico, Florida, Texas, Las Vegas, victims and family of deceased loved ones all say the same. How comforting and sincere President Trump was to them. It really pisses me off. Maybe Trump needs to record every conversation whether in person or on the phone from now on. To expose all liars at a later time. Since the left refuses to tell the truth. Maybe he needs to record and play the truth. I dont know maybe call it Trumps Truth. Spin a wheel with all the faces of the liars on it. The liar it lands on will get Trumps Truth recording played after first exposing the liar’s words and or video. They could play this game during the daily press briefing. I think it would be a smash. I dont know where this came from it just popped in my mind and I went with it. Sorry I got way off track. I apologize for my long winded keyboard.
President Trump did not disrespect this young lady or her fallen soldier husband. Like everything they attack, first it is one thing (he said “He knew what he was getting into”) and that has been debunked because most people know the President was complimenting the soldier for his loyalty and bravery and this was taken out of context. Now, since that didn’t fly with intelligent people, it is now “he didn’t even know my husbands name”, which I know has to be untrue. Why? I’m not a President of the United States but I would certainly have that information near me, for reference, in the fear that I would, someway or somehow get people’s names incorrect, mispronounced or yes, even forget about whom I was speaking. This is so terribly in bad taste as I would be so in grief, so in mourning of my lost one I would have to tell the “media” I can’t do this now, I am so happy my love one is being thanked and remembered. The Congress woman, however, is a different story.
This makes me sick!! After her little performance and lies, she is the one disrespecting her husband. This President loves and respects the military with his heart, not for political reasons. She is just taking up for the black witch congresswoman who is a liberal lier!! You know, I never have been racist or prejudice, but people like the blacks who use the race card to further their agenda makes it really hard. Every American has the same opportunities. You just have to work for them, and I think it is just easier for them to yell race and get things without working hard. This widow of a hero just disgraced herself, if that makes her feel better, what does that say about her. Not much!!! No pity for you woman!!
Sometimes, there is nothing that you can do or say will please some
People….so to the lady that wants more , and on a silver platter..
Just grow up…
Soros money caused herto change story
I am so sick of all the bashing of our President. Whatever he does is wrong. My condolences to the family of this serviceman. May he RIP.
She is doing the same thing as the guy from Ferguson’s parents did. He wasn’t living with his mom or her boyfriend. But they sure got their name in the news and ended up with a lot of money. I think this wife is wanting to be in the news. Trump would never act like she said. He has too much respect for our military. I didn’t realize that presidents called the families. They use to not. That was left up to the commander in charge. He knew the boys and could make it more personel.I’m not taking away what this young man did and I do thank him for his service. I don’t think he should want all this publicity like this. But God bless him and his family.
I thank trump did everything right and was heart felt and I feel sorry for the wife dishonoring her husband
I am curious as to why this Congress woman just so happened to be there for this Presidential phone call. Doesn’t it seem odd to anyone else that the alleged grieving widow was quick to parrot what the Congress woman alleges? And so now it has become an insult if someone happens to forget a name or maybe mess up a line? I thought the point was that the President was making a gesture of condolence and respect to the widow, not for them to look for any tidbit excuse to slam him. I find it appalling that not only the widow and the Congresswoman but the whole country have built up such disdain for the office of the Presidency and search for anything no matter how trivial it is to exhibit such disrespect. So lets say North Korea attacks the US or one of our allies, are the citizens or soldiers of this country going to show disrespect for the Presidential office and say, ” Nope, I am not going to help defend this country because of who is in office!” ? From what I have seen is that Trump is doing his best to try and get this country unified and do something positive but it is the people of the nation who is creating the division and placing blame on this President. I have seen a huge effort by Hillary Clinton and Obama and that Clinton Foundation spending a fortune on propagating contempt and hatred for this President, so much so they have even tried to influence foreign leaders to not deal with him. Which to me is an act of treason. Any former First Lady and former President going to a foreign nation trying to influence them to disregard, to disrespect or not do trade agreements with the sitting President is disgraceful and treacherous to the point of treason!
I lost my fiance a while back . I was very sensitive to what people would say to me about him . I realize now that they had no intent to cause me pain or sadness, I believe that this young woman needs to grieve in silence and allow herself time to heal as best she can. The cultural differences between Trump and her probably contributed to this situation as well as the political interference , I wonder how her husband . who was a honorable member of the military would see all this and what would he say? The human thing to do would be to let the whole matter drop .go on with healing and look back in a year when all the noise has died down to see how she feels then, JUsT saying .
She’s being used by the left to disgrace the President with their lies, they find fault in everything he does, at least he calls and offers his condolences to the families of the fallen heroes, unlike obozo did, they are disrespecting this man, by using his death to fit their adenda ,disgusting
Her 15 minutes of “fame”, and at the price of one of America’s Finest Young Men. I can
say she had a hero for a husband. He sacrificed his life for this country, Americans, I’m
sure his reaction to that phone call from the Commander in Chief, would have been favorable.
She is not playing the role of a grieving widow, she is playing into the hands of Left wing
American haters. Watch her bank account after this. Rest in Peace America’s fine
young soldier, this is not a reflection on you valor or sacrifice. She’s going solo now. If she
needs this country’s help, we’ll be there for her.Good Bye America’s hero. May the flag forever fly over this great nation thanks for your service and sacrifice. God Bless those who love and miss you.
A grieving widow, you’re not. A puppet for Congress woman, Wilson, who repeatedly voted against
providing assistance for our servicemen. The record is easily checked. God Bless the USA.
Amen. I believe this,I agree, your right.
I’m afraid to ask why it took so long to find him. Maybe she should think about “other” possibilities and wait until the full report is released. Sure is funny how her comments have changed.
He needs to start recording his phone conversations made. Everything he says is taken out of context to the extreme. Better yet, a form letter with condolences should have been mailed, but that would have started another fire storm.
I think it would be great if you would publish her first comments regarding the phone call from President Trump so the American public will have a comparison if there are two different conversations. Thank you. May God bless this young soldier. I thank him for his bravery and allegiance to this great nation!
she is becoming like them too. lie about it. that is sad really. shame of her. but her husband is a good man serve this country. she should stay away from the media , she is damaging her self. I am sure . now that I know. I am not sorry that her husband was gone he is much better with God.
The conversation was between a griefing widow and the President. No one had the right to pick apart that conversation. I have no doubt that she was paid to recanted her story. She should be ashamed and all the politicians who dissected the conversation should be ashamed. That Soldier served our Country well, yes he knew what he signed up for, he gave his life and should be honored for his bravery. This is high school drama and disguising.
Former Soldier.
we have millions and millions of soldiers, so how is the President to know every name. I have neighbors I don’t even know their names. She is dressed like she’s going to a big party, both at the funeral and on the interview. Hannity said he was giving her $14,000.00 and asked others to do the same. Maybe he needs to take a closer look at that need!! It was very humble the President even called her, as their are soldiers killed almost every day, that don’t receive a call. He was also on a secret mission a nd they cannot tell her every fact. I have been to several military funerals, that the body was in a bag, and not be able to be shown. They proved by DNA whom he was for sure, and she has to accept the body was in no condition to be seen, and just be thankful he was found, identified and sent back to be buried. She will use this to profit every dime she can, and that is not what her soldier husband would want to happen from his death. She should be honored that President made the personal call to her.
She sure changed her tune in just a matter of hours. I hate to say this but it seems her Gold Star status has gone from gold star to gold digger! She was so upset because President Trump did not seem to remember his name? He has NOTHING BUT RESPECT for our armed forces and family who sacrifice the ultimate! Wilson is an opportunist taking full advantage of this woman’s grief, exploiting for her own personal gain and notoriety, and have absolutely no doubt this is all a huge cover up for the Uranium One’s unveiling! The puppet masters behind the scenes with their millions of dollars just might turn a grieving widow into an opportunist just like her professed mentor, Wilson. God Bless your incredible sacrifice Sgt. Johnson!! As President Trump has said…”that is a debt we can never repay!” I pray you sacrifice is no longer tarnished by these destructive woman who now claims to be a rock star at the expense of your sacrifice! RIP Sir and you are forever in our debt! I also pray that your widow’s eyes are opened as she is being used for a political pawn! ( I come from a very long line of service men and women from all branches) I would gladly lay down my life as you have done sir!
I don’t approve of using tragic events happening to military people and their dependents to try the tar and feather routine on any politician. If the Democrats are using this widow to try to get citizens to hate the president, that is very trashy and low-class. And if the Republicans then turn around and use her in a similar diatribe to drum up support for the president, that is also trashy. How about all the so-called journalists stick to reporting verifiable FACTS only and trust us to decide what we think about it.
I am pretty sure that the Congresswoman there had already coached her to be hostile about the President and get herself noticed and on TV. The more she can trash the President and more exposure helps this Congresswoman’s agenda. I am pretty sure she is financially assisting this widow to be disrespectful about the President. You watch, this widow is all the sudden going to be driving some brand new Mercedes or BMW and buying a new home just newly built for her. Just watch and see. She will most likely be on the View soon with Whoopi doing her fair share of Trump bashing then turning it into some racist bullshit! Or she will go public and say I cant bear to look at this flag anymore because Trump caused my husband to get killed blah blah blah! You watch!
What a shame. She had a honorable husband, one of our best, who sacrifices his own life in the cause of our country, and she goes out and embarrasses his name. Disgraceful … and blacks wonder why they get a bad name.