‘SNL’ Writer Katie Rich Attacks Barron Trump
A “Saturday Night Live” writer was blasted on social media for tweeting that President Trump’s youngest son would become a school shooter.
In a now deleted tweet, Katie Rich said Friday that 10-year-old Barron Trump “will be this country’s first homeschool shooter.”( luckily for you we’ve made a screen shot of the tweet you can view the tweet bellow)
The message was left up for about three hours before Rich deleted it The joke was one of the thousands made by users all across the country that day, but it gained way more attention than most, with many people demanding the comedy writer be blocked by Twitter or even fired by NBC.
The message was left up for about three hours before Rich deleted it The joke was one of the thousands made by users all across the country that day, but it gained way more attention than most, with many people demanding the comedy writer be blocked by Twitter or even fired by NBC.
It should go without saying that had a conservative in the media or entertainment business said such things about Obama’s daughters, that person would have lost his or her job and faced serious consequences.
Generally, presidential offspring are deemed off limits — but loudmouthed Trump critics are rewriting the rules of common decency in their attempt to insult the new administration.
If anyone had such a thing while Barack Obama was in the White House, that person would immediately be deemed dangerous and a traitor. Again, there would be consequences and perhaps even an investigation from the Secret Service. (Tweets below)
Making an argument against Donald Trump and his policies is one thing. Bullying a 10-year-old boy and joking about political assassination and domestic terrorism are entirely different and shameful acts — and should be recognized as such!

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it’s appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn’t be censored. Join him & let’s spread the good word!
Katie Rich should NOT only be ashamed ~ but she should be FIRED!
Most of the people have already taken SNL off of our favorite channel list
This is a total disgraced. Katie Rich should be fired. Baron is only a ten year old boy. Shame on you Ms. Rich!
She should be fired for picking on an innocent child! This is really low! I boycott SNL until this matter is taken care of!!
How dare her- how can an adult and I dont care who it is degrade a child-
An adult BULLYING A CHILD reqardless who child it is should not be tolerated, this is an outrage. My Family and I will no longer watch SNL. NBC you should fired her.
Just one more example of the “Bully” attitude of NBC – people need to deluge this company with emails complaining about how obvious they have become with their hatred of certain people and groups. And I and others had such respect for them for years (50+ in my case) – not anymore
Barron will have to live with that comment all his life. Maybe being a professional writer she should know better. I am sure she didn’t think it was funny when she wrote it. She was angry with President Trump. Maybe she should be fired so she has time to remember when she was a good writer on a good show and what an ass she made of herself. really hope you lose your job
Katie you not only need fired , but you owe these people an apology! You are a grown woman how dare you make such a statement about a child , one that never did anything to you.
And these many women are marching all over the world “for what”? Madonna, you old hag, who has loved being the most lewd example of a “woman”…and you, SNL,”comedy” writer, slandering in a most horrific way, a 10 year old child, just because you dislike his father…and you stupid teenagers, along with your two buddies, tormenting a disabled teenage boy, slashing him & making him drink from a toilet……women of the world, you seem to be WAY OFF FOCUS!!! Go home, hug your children, have a decent dinner time conversation, tuck them into bed with a good bedtime story, be grateful for the good things in life and what goodness is in the world…..all of you women, marching for WHATEVER have made the world LESS full of goodness….idiots!!
She should be fired
what a scum bag..well her kids must be like michelle????
I’ll never watch some again or go to a movie and the only thing that I watch on mainstream media is the weather and half the time they get that wrong
Shame on her!! I agree…she should be fired!!? don’t watch SNL and never well now!! Bullying a 10yr old..she hit dirt bottom!!
No matter who you voted for…Children are always off-limit’s to negative remarks…SHAME ON anyone who says ugly remarks about little ones. They can not help what their parent’s say and do.
President Trump and his family should be protected as much as possible in all possible ways. Nobody should be allowed to insult him or his family especially his younger sweet boy. I cannot understand how people can do it. They have no shame. I voted for Mr. Trump and I support him.
Making comments about a 10 yr. old child shows just how evil the Democrats truly are. These attacks on a child just prove how very much we need a leader like Trump to clean this Nation up and put these scum to work to learn what the real people of America do each day to support their butts. Celebrities, college kids and those still living off mommy and daddy have no clue what it’s like in the “REAL WORLD”. How fun it will be to watch them suffer as reality soon smacks them in the face!! Watch out Snowflakes the heat is on and it’s name is TRUMP!
NOT ok … despicable
She should be arrested for what she did!!! Gee Katie how would you feel if someone said that about your child? You are the sickest of the sick and should be fired! You need mental health help and should be institutionalize do because you are a danger to society
OK that does it for me….no more Saturday night live in my house! I have watched this show ever since it came on the air many many years ago. but I will watch it no more unless Katie Rich is fired! she should be ashamed of herself for attacking Barron Trump–he is just a child. How dare her! I believe she will be very sorry for what she said. IT could END her career. So disappointed, Lorne Michaels!!!!!!
Very pathetic. Absolutely boycott SNL and its sponsors.
TELL SNL NBC and their SPONSORS we are tired of seeing bulling and especially bullying of 10 year old Barron Trump sign and share the petition. https://www.change.org/p/nbc-saturday-night-live-nbc-fire-katie-rich-and-stop-bullying
I don’t watch SNL and never have. They are a bunch of lowlife, degrading an innocent child. No wonder there is so much bullying in the schools. It comes from the adults who should know better.
how dare you bully an inocent child you have no morals you dont realise how belittleing this is to you evedently you dont have children and its probably a good thing i have a speci al needs son they are a gift from God you should be baned from all media and fired leave the country along with the rest of them that stated they would leave we dont need the likes of you demeaning our country and our citizens I will say God have mercy on your soul
I never watch SNL, never have and never will. They are a bunch of lowlifes. I don’t know how they can stay on TV and condone degrading a child. No wonder there is so much bullying on the internet and schools. Its learned from the parents!
This POS woman who would say this about a child should be fired and forced publically to apologize !
It won’t happen. She is a Hollywood Liberal and doesn’t believe she can do anything wrong !
Katie you have crossed a career challenging line. If I were your boss the door couldn’t hit your behind fast enough. Attacking a 10 year old is wrong all the way around.
the way to boycott snl is to boycott their sponsors,
it would be nice to take the time to call each corporate sponsor directly and let them know you will not support them and will tell your neighbors and friends and family to not support them as well. here is a list of some of their sponsors:
Okios Yogurt made by Dannon
Estee Lauder
Hidden Valley
Home Depot
Net 10
Lens Crafters
Red Hawk Casino
Tropicana Farmstand
Novolog Flex Pen
children are off limits!
Cheryl is now bullying saying all democrats are evil! We find good and evil in all races religions countries, whatever. It is a total disgrace lovely handsome innocent Baron was bullied and I feel very bad he had to endure this nonsense from an adult.
Hugs and respect to you Mr. Baron Trump, you are lovely!
She should be fired. If not, I won’t watch SNL ever again.
While I did think it was “funny as hell, I don’t think it was appropriate. I believe she was suspended. Firing her would be very harsh as these people are comedians and that is their job – to make people laugh. Everyone needs to lighten up. Mr. Trump tweets inappropriate stuff ALL the time and there is NO a damn thing we as the world can do about it! It was a joke, cut the girl some slack