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Saudi Arabian Media Releases Video Where Biden Seems To Be Sleeping During The Summit With The Gulf State Leaders

President Joe Biden wrapped up his first presidential trip to the Middle East on Saturday with no clear domestic benefits from a trip that brought widespread criticism back home.

Biden received no concrete commitments from Saudi Arabia to increase oil production, the main deliverable that could have helped address his biggest domestic challenge of inflation, in fact, the Saudis announced that they will not increase their oil production. He made no significant progress toward a resolution between the Israelis and Palestinians.

Even his friend from ABC decided to criticize him:

Biden e will return to Washington with little to show a domestic audience for whom the number one issue is the economy, with competing concerns over social issues like abortion rights and gun violence. Biden’s approval rating has hit the lowest level of his presidency in several surveys less than four months before the midterm elections.

But there is one video that is even more humiliating than Biden’s results from his trip to the Middle East!
In the video that was aired on the TV stations in Saudi Arabia Biden looks like he’s taking a nap during the summit.

Video below:

In fact, Joe Biden took a tour of humiliation in Saudi Arabia on Friday, as part of a Middle East trip that had earlier included stops with Israeli and Palestinian leaders.

Amid the backdrop of the president pleading with the Saudis to increase their oil production, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud, also known as MBS, laughed at Biden to his face.

Video below:

After his humiliating trip to the Middle East Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest oil exporter, more than doubled the amount of Russian fuel oil it imported in the second quarter to feed power stations to meet summer cooling demand and free up the kingdom’s own crude for export, data showed and traders said.

Russia has been selling fuel at discounted prices after international sanctions over its invasion of Ukraine left it with fewer buyers. Moscow calls the war in Ukraine a “special military operation”.

The increased sales of fuel oil, used in power generation, to Saudi Arabia show the challenge that U.S. President Joe Biden faces as his administration seeks to isolate Russia and cut its energy export revenues.

While many countries have banned or discouraged purchases from Russia, China, India and several African and Middle Eastern nations have increased imports.

Data obtained by Reuters through Refinitiv Eikon ship tracking showed Saudi Arabia imported 647,000 tonnes (48,000 barrels per day) of fuel oil from Russia via Russian and Estonian ports in April-June this year. That was up from 320,000 tonnes in the same period a year ago.

(This post may contain disputed claims. We make no assertions as to the validity of the information presented by our Opinion Columnist. This is an opinion article, and this post should be treated as such. Enjoy.)

George Rowe

I'm shrewd, passionate, learned and energetic, God-fearing and patriotic. I've done a fine job reintroducing good old American conservatism to a new generation of Americans. I've earned the love and friendship of many, the hatred of some, but the respect of all.

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2 years ago

This administration (all branches, Congress, etc), is what you call the deceiver’s club. Everything that comes out of their mouths is a fib that they tell to the American people. We have more and more people opening their eyes because they see what is going on!

Bill in Tennessee
Bill in Tennessee
2 years ago

Imagine the Simpsons opening where Lenny posts a sign “0 days without an accident.”

Now imagine Old Joe… “0 days without an embarrassing Biden moment.”

2 years ago

He is zoning out like reptiles and demented people.

2 years ago

Why isn’t the GOP going apeshit over this embarrassment?

2 years ago

The Drooler In Chief.

2 years ago

he sleeps everywhere else, so why should they expect to be treated any differently?

oil market
oil market
2 years ago

interesting conversation between imperial barrels per day and metric tonnes per 2months

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