Patriot NewsRight Perspective

Police Chief in Charlottesville Dropped Yuge Bombshell That DESTROYS Left’s False Narrative

It seems that the mainstream media can’t handle the truth, especially when it comes from President Trump!
Today he held a huge Press Conference today where he unloaded a huge secret about the Charlottesville violence.

President Trump angrily defended himself on Tuesday against criticism that he did not specifically condemn Nazi and white supremacist groups following the weekend’s deadly racial unrest in Virginia, and at one point questioned whether the movement to pull down statues of Confederate leaders would escalate to the desecration of George Washington.

He blamed the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia over the weekend on both sides of the conflict — equating the white supremacists on one side with the “alt-left” on the other side — after his top White House aides spent days trying to clean up after Trump’s initial vague response to the violence.


And it seems that he is right about everything!

According to Daily Wire :

On Monday, Charlottesville Police Chief Al Thomas held a press conference at which he addressed the incidents that occurred over the weekend during the alt-right protest.

Thomas noted that “around ten o’clock, the #UniteTheRight attendees began arriving and entering Emancipation Park. We had a plan to bring them in at the rear of the park. They had agreed to cooperate with the plan. Unfortunately, they did not follow the plan. They began entering at different locations in and around the park and we had to quickly alter our plans to help facilitate that process.” He continued, mentioning “other groups”: “Other groups also began amassing along the street and in the park. Gradually, the crowd sizes increased along with aggressiveness and hostility of attendees toward one another. Shortly before 11 a.m., individuals in the crowd began throwing objects and spraying chemical agents into the crowd. The city and county then made a declaration of “local emergency. The crowd size became increasingly violent, with mutually engaged combatants, with one-on-one attacks following.”

When a reporter asked: “Do you believe that one side was more responsible than the other for instigating the violence?” Thomas replied: “This was an alt-right rally.” The reporter pressed further: “Do you believe that they’re the ones who instigated the fighting?” Thomas answered: “We did have mutually combating individuals in the crowd.”


Both the left and right are involved but obviously, we know who started it. The stupid media once again twisted the news in favor of those who paid them.

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Natalie Washington

Natalie D. is an American conservative writer! Natalie has described herself as a polemicist who likes to "stir up the pot," and does not "pretend to be impartial or balanced, as broadcasters do," drawing criticism from the left, and sometimes from the right. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington.She is a "constitutional conservative".

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7 years ago

The media should be charged with that poor womans death.

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