Patriot NewsRight Perspective


It’s been a hectic couple of weeks in the state of Ohio over the past couple of weeks. The state is still recovering from the terrorist attack that hit Ohio State University near the end of November. It’s reasonable to understand as well. After all, would you be able to recover just like that after seeing a terror attack?

After the terror attack was over, thanks in part to the University police officer that stopped the carnage before it was going to get worse, there was yet another debate on whether guns should be allowed on college campuses.

Naturally, the liberals who are completely anti-Second Amendment were doing all that they could to stop the expansion of Concealed Carry. After all, why would you feel the need to protect yourself since the world is always sunshine and happiness?

Their efforts were thankfully in vain as the lawmakers in Ohio have just approved legislation that is expanding the concealed-weapons law. Thanks to the expansion, people that are on college campuses and day care centers and private aircraft will now have the ability to carry a gun. This is an important win for the people that are pro-Second Amendment.

The legislation does allow those places to ban guns if they choose to do so. Besides, they do have bans on concealed weapons in government buildings as well as libraries. The main point is that the people that are here are now allowed to defend themselves if they want to!

Right now the bill is set to go to Governor John Kasich’s desk for his signature. Again this is important considering the events that just happened and it completely blows my mind that people were willing to oppose this. The list of people that were against this bill is a little startling, to say the least.

The list of people and groups that were opposed to this bill included the Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police and the Ohio Prosecuting Attorney’s Association. However, the Buckeye State Sheriffs’ Association supported this bill.

People who support the bill say that it is going to help prevent mass shootings or similar attacks to those that happened earlier. Well duh! Would you want to charge into a location knowing that there are some people that have a gun that could easily kill you if you were to do anything that affected their safety?

The people who opposed the bill didn’t exactly have a good ground to stand on. The reason that they were against it was because the bill might endanger students. It’s not going to endanger them if they aren’t doing anything wrong! You’re telling me that someone who has a gun is just going to go up to people and kill them for the simple reason that they wanted to?

That is just not logical. Even if that were to happen, there is bound to be someone close by that is going to have their own gun on them and save the day, limiting the damage as much as possible.

Besides, there are 23 other states that allow their college and universities to decide whether or not they are going to allow concealed weapons on campus. That is according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. The only state that specifically prohibits colleges from banning concealed carry is Utah.

Other states have this same rule and they weren’t the ones that have had problems with people that were coming to the campus and looking to cause trouble. I have not heard of any instance where there was a mass killing on a campus that happened because the person had a concealed carry license.

The timing of this bill passing is also noteworthy. It comes just a week after 18-year-old Somali-born student Abdul Razak Ali Artan drove his car into a crowded sidewalk on the campus of Ohio State University. After he drove the car into the crowd, he exited the vehicle and went on a stabbing spree.

The only reason that he was stopped was because there was a police officer nearby. While the officer’s actions were most certainly heroic, it is difficult to think what would have happened had he not gotten there right away. Right now there were only 11 people that were injured.

Alex D.

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it's appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn't be censored. Join him & let's spread the good word!

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