Melania Trump’s Outfit for Midnight Mass

You know… I have never seen a President get a standing ovation in church before.

That should be the media’s headline here. But what does the media focus on? Shocker! Melania wore a short skirt and heels to midnight mass. Big freaking deal.

Now, if she’d shown up in a burqa, I might have said that was news, but this is just stupid. As the President-elect and First Lady walked into the Church of Bethesda-by-the-Sea under tight security, the parishioners rose and cheered wildly for Donald Trump. That is historic, not Melania’s hemline.

Last year for midnight mass, Donald Trump took his son Barron to this same church. The Trumps observed Easter here as well.

It is a far, far cry from what Barack Obama did during his presidency. It is obvious that the Trumps are indeed observant Christians and that is a refreshing change. I don’t care if that is politically correct or not.

Congregants were all searched before entering the church and that is not surprising. ISIS issued a list of churches in the US they want to attack last week, so this makes sense.

Anywhere President-elect Trump goes will have very high security anyway. Not only is the Secret Service there, Trump has his own private security as well. He’s no fool. All went smoothly and well though and it was a humbling and beautiful occasion for the Trumps.

From the Daily Mail:

Melania Trump joined her president-elect husband for midnight mass in Florida wearing a very short mini dress as fellow churchgoers cheered wildly as they arrived.

Trump and his wife kicked off Christmas by attending midnight services at an Episcopal church in Palm Beach, Florida on Saturday night.

They were pictured arriving at the Church of Bethesda-by-the-Sea at about 10.30pm.

It is the same church where the couple were married in 2005.

Melania stood by Trump dressed in the mini dress and heels as they spoke to a minister in the church doorway.

Most members of the church could be seen standing up and cheering when the Trumps arrived and took their seats.

A fellow churchgoer snapped a photo of the soon-to-be first couple once they were sitting inside in a church pew as the midnight service got underway.

I would bet that Melania Trump was the most beautiful woman in the room as she usually is. Trump is no slouch either. This is one photogenic First Family. Below you will see pics from other parts of the family as well during Christmas. It looks like all of them are having a great time as they should.

President-elect Trump took time to wish everyone Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah. In light of what Obama just did at the UN by stabbing Israel in the back, this takes on a special meaning this year. Come January 20th, things are going to change between the UN and the US. I hope Trump cuts them off for this and ditches them.

This is also the church that the Trumps were married in. That ceremony was in 2005. Trump is bringing back Merry Christmas! across the nation and Americans are thrilled by that move. It may indeed be a Happy New Year and it will surely shake things up in DC and abroad. I think that deserves a toast or two.

You can view the video bellow!


DONALD TRUMP WILDLY CHEERED at Christmas Eve Church Service

Posted by US Conservative on Sunday, December 25, 2016


Alex D.

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it's appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn't be censored. Join him & let's spread the good word!

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Donald Grewell
Donald Grewell
8 years ago

The Press has started wearing shoe cameras.

8 years ago

What the hell is the big frigging deal? People wear jeans and short skirts to church all the time, at least they are at church! The media needs to get a life and start focusing on things that really matter to this country instead of the BS they seem to be stuck on!! Enough already!! We are sick of the petty Trump bashing and innuendos!!!

Lynn B
Lynn B
8 years ago

So Whats the problem ?? the woman HAS the body to pull it off — and she looks Gorgeous !! Wow you people need to get a life !

Anneliene Hoon
Anneliene Hoon
8 years ago
Reply to  Lynn B

Can’t agree more!!!

R Stone
R Stone
8 years ago

The fake media hate sexiness on good people and flaunt their evil illuminati sex with their celebs. Thank God for sexy Christians.

8 years ago

Perfectly acceptable fashion in this day and age! Get over yourself!

8 years ago

Our Lord
and Savior does NOT care in what manner we dress. He looks at OUR HEARTS…..

freddy friday
freddy friday
8 years ago

I didn’t know these atheist reporters even knew what a church was.

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