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Loud And Clear! Every Biker Has Heard Trump’s NEW Call! This Is The Next City They Are Heading To!

On Tuesday, our president is having a rally in Pheonix in an effort to find solutions for more unity in America. Lots of people will come out there in support of unity. But, leftist groups are already gathering so they can cause problems.

Unfortunately, those who attempt to shut down the rally or take seats, they are part of the problem. They are trying to prevent our free speech for unity…our right here in America. So, when our police stand down and allow confrontation that scares and threatens people, then we need some help to keep order.

This is why Bikers for Trump’s Arizona Cobra Chapter are here!

Via Washington Times: “Donald Trump is coming to the Phoenix Convention Center to hold a rally. There have been plans for Charlottesville sympathizers to protest. We need our bikers to show up and keep people safe,” Bikers for Trump Arizona Cobra Chapter says in a “call to action” to the group’s members — in anticipation of a possible encounter with anti-Trump protesters, who will assemble at the arena an hour before Mr. Trump steps on stage in the early evening.

“They are supposed to start at 6:00. We think we need to be there by at least 4:00. That is when the doors open. If there are people outside waiting to get in, we don’t want anyone to harass them. Protesters have a right to protest, but they don’t have a right to threaten or intimidate. That is why we need to be there,” the notice explained.

There also will be a “Stand for Patriotism Rally,” outside the convention center. Organizers advise participants that “anti-American and “hate groups” will be in attendance.

“Let’s counter protest them and stand up for God and country,” the planners suggest.

Sad when people can’t rely on the Police because they won’t do their jobs. That is disgusting since the Police is supposed to serve the public…

Luckily, these bikers are patriotic and have a great love for this country as does President Trump! May God bless & protect them as they travel with the intent to protect our President!

Thank you Bikers for protecting America’s voters.

What do you think? Share this article if you support what these bikers do for President Trump!

Natalie Washington

Natalie D. is an American conservative writer! Natalie has described herself as a polemicist who likes to "stir up the pot," and does not "pretend to be impartial or balanced, as broadcasters do," drawing criticism from the left, and sometimes from the right. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington.She is a "constitutional conservative".

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jack grandville
7 years ago

The actions by the bikers is so fundamentally logical it defies argument.

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