Kanye West Might Leave The Country After Donald Trump Is Elected
There have been reports recently that the rapper Kanye West is making threats to leave America permanently as he has supposedly been putting up with racism for far too long. He says that he has no wish for his daughter to go through what he has.
This threat originated after an incident involving his wife Kim Kardashian at a medical facility in California. There was a teenager outside of the building who is alleged to have called her a “n-word lover.” Kanye confronted him and the teen proceeded to threaten Kim’s life.
Kanye went on to punch the teen in the face and then subsequently made his threats to leave the country.
“We’ve got enough money to buy our own island or some s**t,” the rapper commented. “I’ll be damned if I raise my daughter around ignorance and flat-out blatant racism.”
According to Conservative 101, rapper Kanye West is “threatening” to leave the United States for good, after allegedly putting up with continued racism. West claims that he does not want his daughter to face these same issues. And Kim has to go to. But will she give up her attention seeking lifestyle to save her child from this alleged racism? I guess we will have to see. What are your thoughts on this?

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it’s appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn’t be censored. Join him & let’s spread the good word!
One can only hope.
The question is if he leaves should we let him back?
if he leaves then he does not deserve to be a leader ,because I have not seen a leader who runs away from problems
I agree with “one can only hope”
Right! Ugh! Just makes me sick to my stomach!!!!! LEAVE PLEASE, A STEP IN MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!
See ya’ Maybe there’s a jungle you can by in africa, you could swing from tree to tree for the rest of your patheticlife.
Lol I just busted out laughing???????
Lmfao! I wish every last one of those famous fools that said they would leave, were forced to do exactly that!
His daughter will be victimized by racism anyway…her dad’s.
HALLELUJAH !!! HALLELUJAH !!! The USA will finally get rid of one undesirable creature who is so self-centered egotistical maniac, ill-mannered, racist. If you got that much money, why are you begging Facebook Founder, Mark Zuckerberg to give you $63B which will count as an investment in your company? You take Mark Zuckerberg for a stupid like you? Your music is not even good. It’s not really music! It’s just all rants and nothing more. And I really DO NOT CARE FOR YOUR KIND OF MUSIC (???) or shall I say noise?
So when do you think you are leaving for Kenya, Nigeria , or Uganda? Please hurry up.
You will find that you reap what you sow, you ignorant bastard.
Like I replyed in another post & I will say it again… LEAVE!! DO US ALL THAT FAVOR!!!! A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION OF MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN..
YES HE IS!!! A HUGE RACIST… & as I sqid when I replyed as well to this man’s post, how the hell is Trump to blame for some little punk racist kid sqying that to his wife… Makes NOOO sense… LEAVE..LOL.. as I said in my response to this guys nonsense… it’s just one step closer on Making America Great Again.. I had said in my comment as well.. that I just wish there was a law that once they leave (ugh if they even leave, highly doubt it) but if they did that they can’t step back on to American Soil. They will come a running with their crybaby selves & want back in to what will be a great Nation Again. Just wish people would stop there BS & become one & make our Nation Amazing again. Just one more thing.. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW HE MAKES MONEY OFF THAT HIDEOUS CRAP HE ACTUALLY CALLS MUSIC.. IT’S BAFFLING TO ME. I ALSO FEEL SO VERY SORRY FOR HIS DAUGHTER..BC HE IS GOING TO RAISE HER TO BE A RACIST JUST LIKE HIM.. IT’S TRULY SAD BC IT’S NOT HER FAULT.. WE CAN’T CHOOSE OUR PARENTS.. OK SORRY RANT OVER???
Maybe two at the same time. Haul his big booty wife off with him.
See above for my comment and reply
Buh Bye, so long. farewell, don’t come back, ya hear? Happy trails and I hope you find a country that wants you for your good conduct and professional stance.
BYE BYE Sad to say you don’t be missed, you should have left years ago.
Won’t be missed
Bye bye nigger, and since you got so much money, how about you take some of these other pussies that are out here causing riots with you, the USA would be much better off without your POS kind.
Uhhh this proves his point. But I’m a multiracial and I too am leaving, not letting the door hit me on the way out or whatever. Think about it, hell, more America for you right?
His reply was wrong, but if you’re leaving just because Trump won the election,I’m glad you are. Real Americans don’t run away from what they don’t like. They stay and legally fight for what they want
lol,sure you’re right……..unless he’s not a full American. Real Americans foresee what it would be like in the future
STRATIS…I am sorry that “the Cracker” is such a jerk. I am sure you are well aware that he is representative of a only a small but loud and mouthy number of people. The vast majority of the U.S. citizens are peaceful, hardworking people just trying to get by. If you leave I hope you go someplace where you find peace and happiness.
Proves his point.. ?????? Makes no sense at all! His wife being spoken terrible to has NOTHING to do with Trump, that little punk simply is just a racist asshole, just as Kanye is.. he literally is such a HUGE RACIST. I have with my own 2 ears heard him making horrible racist remarks… down right horrible…Against White people.
So y’all please please leave
. Do us all that favor.. I just wish there was a law that you can’t step back down on American Soil once y’all want to come back. Lol that’s even if your crybaby selves even leave. I do believe AMERICA can be made GREAT again!!!! God is in control!
Why did you call him that? You had no right.
Freedom of speech. He can say what he wants.
Hey dick sucker ass licking mother fucker
You kiss your mama sister cousin with that poor white trash mouth you can’t think straight with trump dick so far up your ass hole you need to take your ass back to the mountains from which you species came from you rejected albino mutation
To “The Cracker” REALLY??? You just had to use that word? The rest of your comment would have had SO much more meaning if you hadn’t debased yourself by using that. It is people like you that give the rest of us a bad rap. I agree that the sissies need to stop rioting. Perhaps they will stop when they run out of things to ruin.. what will they do then?
oh goodie take your wife with you in fact .. take the whole clan with you …
Are you there yet? Take all your cronies with you! Cya!!!!
Bye Felicia. Au Revoir…Ciao…
Don’t let the door hit you on your ass on your way out. Some nerve to talk about racism! Lets not forget who disrupted the 2009 MTV music awards and grabbed the mic from Taylor Swift who won fair and square just like Donald Trump did… He won fair and square…. This is exactly what people like you do… if something does not go your way you act like a bunch of AHOLES.
I am sick of all of you…. You suck! Your music sucks! and your nasty attitude sucks!
You don’t like living in the USA then get the hell out!
He is the one who is racist.
YES HE IS!!! A HUGE RACIST… & as I sqid when I replyed as well to this man’s post, how the hell is Trump to blame for some little punk racist kid sqying that to his wife… Makes NOOO sense… LEAVE..LOL.. as I said in my response to this guys nonsense… it’s just one step closer on Making America Great Again.. I had said in my comment as well.. that I just wish there was a law that once they leave (ugh if they even leave, highly doubt it) but if they did that they can’t step back on to American Soil. They will come a running with their crybaby selves & want back in to what will be a great Nation Again. Just wish people would stop there BS & become one & make our Nation Amazing again. Just one more thing.. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW HE MAKES MONEY OFF THAT HIDEOUS CRAP HE ACTUALLY CALLS MUSIC.. IT’S BAFFLING TO ME. I ALSO FEEL SO VERY SORRY FOR HIS DAUGHTER..BC HE IS GOING TO RAISE HER TO BE A RACIST JUST LIKE HIM.. IT’S TRULY SAD BC IT’S NOT HER FAULT.. WE CAN’T CHOOSE OUR PARENTS.. OK SORRY RANT OVER???
Take your pick:
There are 196 countries in the world today. Taiwan is not considered an official country by many, which would bring the count down to 195 countries. Although Taiwan operates as an independent country, many countries (including the U.S.) do not officially recognize it as one.
Ain’t going to happen.
Good luck getting any of the entitled spoiled ignorant members of the kardashians/west family to leave. If he did I say make sure it’s a one way trip! And NO WAY did any teenage kid get close enough to harm Kim kardashian, IF it even happened it was only an excuse for kanye to whine and get tough with a kid. I wouldn’t agree with calling her n lover but I’d definitely label her idiot lover.
The really sad part of this is to listen to one of his rap songs. They are so racists but yet he calls everyone else racists. Grow up Kanye. You make millions off of peoples ignorance of your own intolerance.
This is a terrible statement coming from one of the top racist in the USA. I suggest you get use to it, Mr Trump will be the next President. You are welcome to leave the country but it is this country that has afforded you the life you are now living. So get it right racist, STFU and get out
Sorry to see ya go! Buh bye!
Omg, lmbo at these comments.
Oh, Please don’t come to Canada. It’s cold as hell down here. We have polar bears, midget crotch high chuckies running around with hockey sticks. And did I mention we have a wall. Oh! and it’s cold. So, please keep the hell on your side of Mutant land. Or, I could suggest a place in the sun, like Guantanamo Bay. Lovely place. And it’s Marikan.
Lmao Bert, I love it! I may live in mutant land but just know we aren’t throwing him over the wall at you all. I personally hope they pick a country far, far away where poor Kim will haven’t actually wear clothes!
Have to *actually wear clothes
Bye and take his citizenship away too.
Amen, if they choose to leave I feel they should be stripped of their citizenship and should not be allowed any income for stemming from our beautiful country. He should be forced to give up any holdings he possesses here in OUR country and that goes double for anyone else that thinks that they can just run off because they don’t like who was fairly elected into office. There are so many people who did not want Trump to win but as good Americans have respect enough for thier country to buck up and be supportive of the man voted in as our president . When we rear up and act rash and foolish over an election we appear weak and foolish to our enemies. United we stand and divided we fall!!! We must become great again and stop being weak , foolish and tantruming children because we didn’t get our way…this is not the first time in history we don’t agree with the elected party, it happens every election, it’s just this generation of entitled and spoiled young adults that are drug addicted and lazy and scared of loosing thier free money and food stamps at no cost to themexcet thier pride and self esteem and sense of worth that is suffering. We are a weakend society of lazy loud and self absorbed human beings
Haven’t you left yet ?
boo hoo.. who the hell cares what country he lives in,, just as long as he leaves the US
buh-bye. Don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.
Can you also fix it somehow that your crappy music can’t be played here either. So glad Trump won, the country is getting so much better even before he takes office.
Kanye, please take all the Kardashians with you. Nobody will miss any of you.
i am pretty sure there is a island for sale down around paradise island in whats known as the Bahama’s he really does have enough money i know i would
One can only hope!!
That is great news!
Make sure you renounce your American citizenship when you leave my country. Good bye!! Leave and never come back!!
Notice all the people threatening to leave are ridiculous rich?
I’ve got an idea, how bout we tax the ever-loving-shit out of rich fucks who made their stupid huge fortunes off of AmeRicans (including Trump voting AmeRicans), if dual citizenship is acquired.
And further, double that tax if American citizenship is forfeited.
Their money isn’t beHind their mouths. It’s all garbage blow hard bullshit. Enact that law that says if you leave, you can’t take that money sourced by is hard worKing AmeRicans with you, and watch them start fumbling over their excuses why they changed their mind.
Bye Felicia, don’t let the border hit you on the ass on your way out.
Nowhere did he say he was leaving because of Trump. He said he was leaving because of racism he sees and experiences in this country and doesn’t want that for his daughter. The article for some reason made the title about Trump. Kanye even stated at a concert he would have voted for Trump if he did vote.
Where did he say anything about leaving if Trump wins?
Take your stupid family with you.