Donald Trump Vows To Accelerate Cures For Terminal Illness
During his campaign Donald Trump released his health care plan, finally detailing the way in which he would fulfill his campaign trail promise to repeal and replace Obamacare.
He calls for Medicaid to be transformed into a state block grant program and for the tax exemption on employer-based health insurance plans to be extended to individuals who purchase coverage on their own!
Under Trumpcare, no American will go without coverage.
Today he had a meeting in the white house with pharma lobbyists and maybe the mainstream media will fail to report this but he will make them cut the prizes and he told them that the time had come for them to release the ‘hidden drugs’ that will put an end to many terminal illnesses. ! reports:
Speaking to a group of America’s leading pharmaceutical executives, he said: “They come up with a new drug for a patient that is terminal and the FDA say we can’t approve the drug, we don’t know if the drug is going to work.
“But the patient is going to die in four weeks and they say we don’t want to harm the patient, but the patient isn’t going to live for more than four weeks.”
He vowed to speed up the approval process so desperately ill Americans can get the treatment they urgently need.
President Trump, 70, said: “So we’re going to change a lot of the rules.
“You’re going to get your prices either approved, or not approved, but it’s not going to take 15 years.”
But in the same breath, President Trump criticized foreign price controls for giving America a bad deal.
The Republican said: “We’re going to be ending global freeloading. Foreign price controls reduce the resources of American drug companies to finance drug and R& D innovation.
“I think you people know very well, it’s very unfair to this country.
“Our trade policy will prioritize that foreign countries pay their fair share for the U.S.-manufactured drug, so our drug companies have greater financial resources to accelerate development of new cures, and I think that’s so important.
“Right now it’s very unfair what other countries are doing to us.”
He also demanded the big pharmaceutical companies return their production to America – which ties in with his “America First” outlook for the future.
His desire to see massive pharma companies return to American soil could be to ensure they pay their fair share of US tax and provide jobs for American workers.
This Will Save Many American Lives! Full story here-
Posted by USA Supreme on Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it’s appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn’t be censored. Join him & let’s spread the good word!