Alec Baldwin Was Just Handed Some Bad News That Could Affect His Career After Trashing Trump
Everyone knows that Alec Baldwin is a fool. Remember the 1990s when he was an A-list actor?
He threw it all away by getting political and showing how much he hates the right. Now the best he can do is supporting actor roles and little bit here and there
“Libtard” Hollywood actor Alec Baldwin has made it his mission of late to trash Donald Trump.
It just shows how childish the LIBERTARDS are. They were afraid Trump supporters were going to do exactly what they are doing. In bitchery campaigning she kept saying how uneducated Trump supporters were. No her supporters and HOLLYWEED have no CLASS. Now that my fellow Trump supporters is a DEPLORABLE.
They were afraid Trump supporters were going to do exactly what they are doing. In bitchery campaigning, she kept saying how uneducated Trump supporters were. No, her supporters and HOLLYWEED have no CLASS. Now that my fellow Trump supporters are a DEPLORABLE.
No, her supporters and HOLLYWEED have no CLASS. Now that my fellow Trump supporters are a DEPLORABLE.
He was at it again this week. But Baldwin was just handed some bad news that could affect his career.
In a New Year post on Instagram, Baldwin took a selfie of himself wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat. Very much like the hat Trump wore during much of his campaign.
The twist?
Trump’s famous slogan appears on Baldwin’s hat written in Russian. He is fully in on the liberal conspiracy that Russian somehow put Trump in the White House.
Trump responded not by blasting Baldwin directly. Instead, he pointed out the idiocy of liberals who for some reason DON’T want good relations with the world’s other superpower.
“Having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing,” Trump tweeted. “Only ‘stupid’ people, or fools, would think that it is bad!”
The truth is that Trump doesn’t need to go directly after Baldwin any longer.
The actor’s repeat appearances on Saturday Night Live, where he mocked the president-elect mercilessly, have resulted in the worst ratings ever for the popular comedy show.
Americans have caught on with these imbeciles, they no longer have influence with fans.

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it’s appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn’t be censored. Join him & let’s spread the good word!
This made zero sense. Someone needs to learn to write.
It is about time he shows some respect is shown for our new President. Alec Baldwins antics are cruel and not at all amusing. It is time for our country to come together. We are coming hopefully into a new era. I support Donald Trump and I did not vote for him. I am pleased with how he has conducted himself professionally since the election.
President Trump cared about this country and he cared about our integrity and strength. FJB will get no respect. He clearly hates America. I feel bad for those who are fixing to have hoards of invaders living in their neighborhood.Trump stopped the flow of illegals. Now your going to have rape gangs and cartel drug wars next door. Read what is happening in other countries. And, I don’t watch movies or shows that have Baldwin or Deniro in them.