Videos: US Soldiers Smashing The Windows, Devices & Military Vehicles, Before They Withdrew From Afghanistan – The Taliban’s Say That They Have Spare Parts

Taliban fighters are feeling angry and betrayed Wednesday after discovering that Afghan National Army helicopters abandoned at Kabul’s airport have been rendered inoperable by departing U.S. troops, according to most of the mainstream media outlets.

An Al Jazeera reporter who toured a hangar on the military side of the airport said in a video that the terrorist group “expected the Americans to leave helicopters like this in one piece for their use.”

“When I said to them, ‘why do you think that the Americans would have left everything operational for you’? They said because we believe it is a national asset and we are the government now and this could have come to great use for us,” she continued.

This morning a video surfaced of American soldiers as they are smashing the windows, devices & military vehicles, before they withdrew from Afghanistan.

Video below:

It seems that the soldiers were working on their own when they broke the military equipment because the Taliban’s who are very active on Twitter just posted a video where they claim that they have all the spare parts they need to fix everything that was broken.

Video below:

A U.S. Department of Defense spokesperson told Fox News on Wednesday that “we disabled/demilitarized that equipment at Hamid Karzai International Airport prior to our departure.”

But even if the DOD claims that they have destroyed the military equipement the question still remains on why the equipment wasn’t returned back on U.S. soil?

The Afghans now seem to sell some of the state-of-the-art military technology to our biggest enemies.

A social media post originating in Iran posted several images of Humvees loaded on transport trucks stopped on the side of an Iranian highway.
An Iranian Telegram channel that covers military stories has released these “exclusive” images that purportedly show humvees and other military vehicles spotted on the Semnan-Garmsar road in Iran.

The source which is an Iranian journalist reporting for BBC claims that he is sure that those are Iranian roads:

The equipment is likely s tiny portion of the massive military cache the Biden administration abandoned in Afghanistan. It would make sense for the Taliban to sell off anything they don’t intend to use in order to fund their government without having to deal with any U.S. demands.

Alex D.

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it's appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn't be censored. Join him & let's spread the good word!

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3 years ago

Those soldiers in the video will be court-martialed for willful destruction of government property. Wait for it.

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