Video: Photo-Op Fail – Biden Tells Salvation Army Worker That He “Spent Some Time With The Secret Service In Poland” And The Look On The Man’s Face Says It All
El Paso is sadly one of the bluest areas of Texas. It’s why the city is in such shambles from illegal immigration and homelessness. But even with all the leftists in El Paso, people there are tired of incompetent, open borders Biden. When Joey went to El Paso yesterday for a photo op, he was greeted by protesters including some holding signs reading “Impeach 46”.
Video below:
“IMPEACH 46” – HUNDREDS OF PROTESTERS Greet Dementia Joe Earlier Today in El Paso, Texas In His First Visit to the Southern Border.
— Denn Dunham (@DennD68) January 9, 2023
President Joe Biden had another senior moment during his recent trip to the border. During a visit to a Salvation Army migrant relief center, Biden confused the charitable Christian sect with…the Secret Service.
“I spent some time with the Secret Service in Poland and in Ukraine,” Biden tells the representative from the Salvation Army.
Salvation Army guy: *nods* “Oh yeah..”
The look on the man’s face says it all.
“Excuse me, Secret Service – Salvation Army,” Biden said to the confused worker.
Video below:
This was another failed photo-op moment for the White House!
Biden’s visit was a complete propaganda attempt by the Biden admin, the Daily Mail had more details to add:
When President Joe Biden makes his first visit to the border with Mexico on Sunday, he will hear from aid workers helping manage the immigration crisis and from local officials desperate for more support.
What he won’t see are the miserable makeshift camps dotted around El Paso that triggered headlines last month about migrants taking over the streets.
On Tuesday and Wednesday law enforcement teams moved through the downtown area, picking up migrants who had entered the country illegally.
As a result, he may get a view of the border but not of the crisis, say infuriated border agents who wanted him to see the scale of the chaos last month.
‘It’s a dog and pony show,’ said a volunteer helping dozens of migrants seeking shelter at the Sacred Heart Church. ‘They’ve cleaned it all up for him.’
Officials say they are just enforcing the rules and that any timing is a coincidence.
(This post may contain disputed claims. We make no assertions as to the validity of the information presented by our Opinion Columnist. This is an opinion article, and this post should be treated as such. Enjoy.)

I’m shrewd, passionate, learned and energetic, God-fearing and patriotic. I’ve done a fine job reintroducing good old American conservatism to a new generation of Americans. I’ve earned the love and friendship of many, the hatred of some, but the respect of all.
When senile little girl groping Joe Biden lies to these people faces, do not any of them have the balls to look him in the eye and just say, “Mr. Biden, you are lying”?
His look said, holy cow, we’re in trouble.
Were are all these stolen valor guys? You need to start calling this kind of thing out. On Branden not just some smuck on the street.
Photo op ploys worked for Obama, the “community organizer”.
The sad part of this is that some of the dolts in this country believe the lying FOOL!!!!!!!