Video: Pelosi’s Slurring, Confusion, and Cluelessness Reach Scary New Heights During A Press Conference
The evidence is building that President Joe Biden isn’t the only Democrat Americans should be worried about when it comes to how things are working upstairs.
When House Speaker Nancy Pelosi took to the podium on Thursday for her weekly news conference, she launched into a stream of incoherence that would have rivaled Biden on his worst day.
And it couldn’t have built much confidence in the nation’s top leadership.
Today during her press conference she was either on medication or some sort of alcohol because her behavior was not normal!
Video below:
As Speaker of the House, she is third in line to the Presidency.
But Pelosi turns 82 on March 26. And while she’s always been a bit of a babbling fool, her advancing age has rendered her incomprehensible.
Every Thursday, Pelosi delivers her weekly press briefing. And every Thursday, Nancy offers up more incomprehensible gibberish and laughable lies while reporters pretend everything’s fine, nothing to see here folks!
And the sad reality is that this isn’t the first time she’s shown signs of slipping.
Spouting vaguely connected words related to legislation being debated in the national legislature of the world’s most powerful country is not a hallmark of political leadership.
It’s actually a pretty good sign that the person doing the spouting should maybe think about retiring to that nice, plush San Francisco mansion where she can eat ice cream to her heart’s content — and stop inflicting incalculable damage on the nation unfortunate enough to be saddled with her.
Biden might be the most visible Democrat who seems to be losing it, but he isn’t the only one — not by a long shot.
(This post may contain disputed claims. We make no assertions as to the validity of the information presented by our Opinion Columnist. This is an opinion article, and this post should be treated as such. Enjoy.)

I’m shrewd, passionate, learned and energetic, God-fearing and patriotic. I’ve done a fine job reintroducing good old American conservatism to a new generation of Americans. I’ve earned the love and friendship of many, the hatred of some, but the respect of all.
Don’t drink and drive applies to her and her husband!
looks and sounds like a stroke
Wow, how awful. Someone should try to get The Joetato, Nancy, Di-Fi and Kamala together for a debate or some kind of panel discussion. The moderator could be Zippy the Pinhead or Boomhauer (from King of the Hill). Or maybe play it straight and hold it at the Oxford Union (debate society) to see what hilarity ensues.
any recommendations on topics?
Drunk Again!!
Still, the word your looking for is still
I think you have to read (listen) between the lines. I believe she is saying we need TRILLIONS more in taxpayer spending to fight the putin inflation…?
“Bird-bathing” and “privilege-scrub.” I don’t know whether to cringe, sob, or move to a more stable country. We need term limits, age limits, and careerist-politicians limits. The Federal Government needs to be about a third its present size, and all the lobbyists need to go. Likely an impossible task. Anyway, Biden is owned by China. He’s just a roll-out. The rest of the Dems are owned by the NWO. We let this happen.
someone PLEASE transcribe!!!
Please kill the back ground music. We all know she’s over the hill.
Another malfunctioning clone.
We’re screwded…
I prayed hard the other day that God would break the teeth and smash the jaws of His enemies intent on destroying all that is good in the country. Please join me.
The music is stupid, it makes it hard to hear her.
Possibilities: 1. alcohol 2. drugs 3. senility. As of now, the Prez, Veep, and Speaker are all totally incompetent. This nation is in the most danger it has ever been in its history.
This unbelievable! All three up there from the President down CANNOT orate nothing clearly. Two of them are in line to be “President” as the first one is already showing signs of dementia.
We are going downhill because of our sins. The LORD is taking away our mighty men (think Trump) our orators, our judges, our captains, etc., and giving US women and children to lead US.
Come on China.
Orange man bahhhhad just put whack jobs in charge im cool. Idiots.
Who is the idiot that overlaid that stupid music that masks how bad the audio really was?
Suffering succotash.
Now i knew succotash, and he really suffered too
She didn’t expect the Dems to turn on her over the insider trading forcing them to dump their stock for the first loss in their lives. So, like happens so often with these animals, her brain went into melt down. Simple as that. Shining the light of truth on rodents get them running.
The House Pharmacy got ahold of a bad batch of Aricept, if you ask me. That would explain Pellucid Pelosi and Sniffer Biden acting like zombies from central casting.
I know a drunk when I se
behind biden and ,la, she is next in line for being president.
I’ve always been concerned about “bird bath and privilege scrub”. Thank you Nancy for addressing this crisis. CUCKOO CUCKOO
The sound effects were annoying and unecessary. The woman is an incomprehensible drunk most of the time.
Damn Drunk
That music was so perfect!
Spit it out, woman! Maybe she’s lying about things. Often people stumble, pause, and repeat when they are trying to keep their falsehoods straight. Or maybe age is catching up with her. Can’t wait for this privileged harpie to go away.
Pelosi will never retire, she is counting on a state funeral just like John McCain.
Is there one person with one working synapse in DC?
This is very old.
Yes, it’s time to put the hag down.
Pelosi Out-Bidens Biden. https://plainsenseandsanity.substack dot com/p/pelosi-out-bidens-biden
giving new meaning to F up drunk