World Politics

Top Secret CIA Memo Reveals The Truth About JFK Assassination! You Wouldn’t Believe Who Was Involved!

Fifty years after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, 59 percent of Americans still believe it was the work of a conspiracy.

The basic facts are these. On Nov. 22, 1963, President Kennedy, Texas Gov. John Connally, and their wives were riding in a slow, open motorcade through Dallas. At 12:30 p.m., as the car turned onto Dealey Plaza, three gunshots rang out. Kennedy and Connally were both shot. The car sped to a nearby hospital, where the president was pronounced dead and the governor treated for wounds. Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested as the suspected gunman and was himself shot to death days later. President Lyndon Johnson appointed a commission, chaired by Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren, to investigate the assassination. The Warren Report concluded that Oswald had fired all three shots from a window on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository, where he worked.*

The car sped to a nearby hospital, where the president was pronounced dead and the governor treated for wounds. Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested as the suspected gunman and was himself shot to death days later. President Lyndon Johnson appointed a commission, chaired by Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren, to investigate the assassination. The Warren Report concluded that Oswald had fired all three shots from a window on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository, where he worked.*

President Lyndon Johnson appointed a commission, chaired by Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren, to investigate the assassination. The Warren Report concluded that Oswald had fired all three shots from a window on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository, where he worked.*

The Warren Report concluded that Oswald had fired all three shots from a window on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository, where he worked.

But who ordered the assassination is the tricky part!

A memo drafted almost 12 years after the assassination of John F. Kennedy reveals that a number of top intelligence workers believed that there may have been Castro-Cuban involvement in the fatal shooting of the president.

That argument is based largely on the six-day trip that Lee Harvey Oswald took to Mexico just two months before the assassination, which is detailed for the first time in the 26-page memo.

The assassination may have been carried out in retaliation to the attempts the CIA had made on Castro’s life argues the memo, with Oswald possibly deciding it was crucial to murder Kennedy in order to save Castro.


Politico was the first to report on this memo.


Oswald’s ties to Cuba date back to 1959 according to the memo, with a man by the name of Nelson Delgado stating that Oswald has inquired as to how he might get a visa to go to the island in the months after Castro rose to power while they were both training at the Marine Corps Air Station in El Toro, California.
Delgado suggested that he contact the embassy he said in excerpts from his interview with intelligence officers, and soon after Oswald received a letter with an official seal he claimed was from the Cuban consul in Los Angeles.
From then on he would receive multiple deliveries and often wait by the post rather than go out according to Delgado, who said that Oswald received letter, books and pamphlets from Cuban contacts but never any letters from home.

Catro referred to Kennedy as a ‘cretin’ and ‘the most opportunistic American president of all time’ in that interview, while speaking about attempts to take out and kill Cuban leaders by the US government.
‘We are prepared to fight them and answer in kind,’ said Castro.
‘US leaders should think if they are aiding terrorist plans to eliminate Cuban leaders they themselves will not be safe.’
A few weeks after that interview ran in papers across the country, Oswald was in Mexico trying to get a new visa, spending five days shuttling back and forth between the Russian and Cuban embassies.
He also found time for a little romance according to the memo, which claims that Oswald had an affair with Silvia Duran, the receptionist at the Cuban embassy.
Duran was never formerly interrogated however the memo reveals, and instead allowed to avoid going in front of the Warren Commission during their investigation at the request of Mexican authorities.
That meant the one person with first-hand details of Oswald’s trip to Mexico was never formally questioned and all her statements accepted at face value as factual and accurate.
She also did not have to answer to why her friend and co-worker Luisa Calderon was heard laughing and stating that she knew Kennedy was going to be shot in an intercepted phone call to the embassy just hours after the assassination.
‘Yes, of course I knew it almost before Kennedy,’ said Calderon according to the memo.
‘Imagine, one, two, three and now, that makes three,’ she added, laughing.
She then noted ‘what barbarians’ before telling the caller a party that had been planned for the night at Duran’s was being rescheduled so they did not appear to be celebrating in the wake of the shooting.

Personally, I believe that CIA was somehow involved in this assassination Do you remember how eager Johnson was to take the oath as President? My first impression then was that Johnson was behind Kennedy’s assassination.

And for those of you wondering why this isn’t on the news, who do you think owns the networks? Six companies own the entire worldwide news organizations. Any guess why they bought them up? While guessing, ask yourself why they call what’s to be put on television programming?

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Alex D.

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it's appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn't be censored. Join him & let's spread the good word!

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7 years ago

If this had any substance, Fox News would be reporting it. And for what purpose you ask? There is none, the American people did not believe it at the time Oswald acted on his own. The corruption in Washington has been going on for a very long time. Many in congress can lie and cheat and when one of their fair haired politicians cheats on his wife, they can sweep it under the rug. There will be a price to pay one day

7 years ago
Reply to  marmo43

Fox News is owned and controlled by the Saudi’s. You only get as much conservationism as they want you to hear.

Carol Jane Regan
Carol Jane Regan
7 years ago

I always felt strongly Jihnsin had Kennedy murdered.
Johnson was a very wicked man. He was responsible for our boys being slaughtered in Viet Nam. They were not allowed to fire their weapons nor we’re they allowed to win that awful war.

7 years ago

Read “Kill Zone” by Craig Roberts. $2.99 for Amazon Kindle

David Mark Hebden
David Mark Hebden
7 years ago

I would suggest that both the CIA and Secret Service were heavily involved in the JFK assassination. I never trusted President Johnson. Actually, the Cuban’s should have been thankful to JFK for not supporting the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba which was set up and financed by the CIA. JFK’s refusal to support the invasion of Cuba was the reason it failed. The CIA and Cuba radicals in the USA who hated Castro never forgave Kennedy for turning his back on them during the Bay of Pigs failed invasion. Kennedy also wasn’t a fan of the CIA and was taking steps to shred their power. That alone was enough to push the CIA to assassinate President John Kennedy and his brother Robert. I’m convinced Johnson bowed down to CIA demands and went along with the conspiracy to get rid of JFK and become the new President of the United States.

7 years ago

I heard some theories such as a Secret Service agent in the car behind Kennedy – shot the President, the grassy mound had a separate shooter, and a reenactment of the 3 shots could not be duplicated matching the time Oswald supposedly shot the 3 shots, another suggested HW Bush shot Kennedy hiding behind a fence. Regardless, I doubt Oswald shot Kennedy, because there were 2 women in the stairwell when the shots were fired, and said no one ran down the steps. The women raced into the restaurant after leaving the stairwell, and admitted under Oath Oswald was in the restaurant. So, he never raced down the steps, and was in the restaurant. That tells me, as he claimed – he was being used as a patsy.

mary L Diaz
mary L Diaz
7 years ago

never accepted the theory about Only Oswald being the shooter.Still think Johson had something to do with it .He hated the Kennedys.

tricia sluder cason
tricia sluder cason
7 years ago

I always thought Bush was in on it. When asked where he was that day, he couldn’t remember. I am sorry anyone old enough knows exactly where they were that day when they heard about it.

7 years ago

I had suspected Johnson behind it but really doesn’t surprise me about the bush’s.

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