Rapper Snoop Dogg Threatens Anyone Who Performs At Trump’s Inauguration
While the Donald Trump transition team is dealing with allegations surrounding Russia’s attempt to compromise him, Snoop Dogg is warning any artists thinking about performing at the President-Elect’s Inauguration.
For weeks, reports have surfaced about the difficulty Trump’s team has faced in finding A-list performers for the ceremony.
Those who refused to perform included Elton John, Charlotte Church, Celine Dion and Garth Brooks.
Those who refused to perform included Elton John, Charlotte Church, Celine Dion and Garth Brooks. British soul singer Rebecca Ferguson said she would consider accepting Trump’s invite if she can perform the classic Nina Simone track, “Strange Fruit.” Snoop Dogg wasn’t given the invite, but he’s made it clear he isn’t a fan of Trump’s.
The West Coast icon took to Instagram to provide any rapper with plenty of slander if they decide to perform for Trump.
Snoop posted a video on Instagram with the threat, saying, “So ain’t nobody gonna perform for Donald Trump, huh? Which one of you jiggaboo a** n**gas gonna be the first one to do it? I’m waiting, I’m gonna roast the f**k out of you.”
Watch the video bellow!

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it’s appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn’t be censored. Join him & let’s spread the good word!
Blow that next toke out ur ass Snoop
This piece of sewage waste ought to be put behind bars for his piece of terrorism.
Someone please explain to me what talent this constantly “stoned”, fool has.
I could never stand this POS. Has a big mouth. Trump wouldn’t want his garbage disgraceful music in the first place. Who the F*c* does he think he is, Trash is what I know!!!!!
We will unite to end your career Mr Dog
Toby Keith is standing up to you mangy dog. He will put you down.
Ahahaha Shut up whiners! If you can’t handle someone speaking out about your pile of shit president you probably should have kept your mouth shut the last 8 years. Lets see if he can handle it with the grace and class of Obama. Oh wait, too late for that!!! He’s a boob! Ahahahaha you elected a boob!!! Enjoy the ride sheeples I am going to act just like you did, spreading insinuation and lies, I will believe every negative thing said about Trumples, not becaue I believe it but because you deserve it…. How’s it feel to drink your own medicine?
We are not whining, are letting you pieces of sh*t that we are going to back your president Donald J Trump.
We didn’t have to lie about your ex-president. He told enough for all of you and we could tell when he was lying, his lips were moving.
HA! HA! HA! The joke was on you.
pitty.. i use to respect snoop as an intelligent man and talented performer.. hes going to “roast” them? oh well…. just words
people please can you not just hear the words he uses and tell his lill jellybean head aint got nothing in it but space plz
I say if snoop dogs bitch ass and any other bitch ass celebrity has a huge problem with Trump as President then get the fuck out of this country or just shut the fuck up and stop acting like POS morons.
Snoop, I used to respect you and think you were someone beyond the black and white shit and had respect for all. Well, you totally changed my thoughts about you. You’re nothing but a bully. Shame on you for threatening people into trying to make them think like you. I know of a group that does the same thing, and you sir, are no different than they are.
I anit no jigaboo uncletom ass niggas but if i was i would. . this crazy weed smoking stupid no talent having ass whip washup cracker head rapper aint got no flow he stupid
Snoop is not as good as a Dog, he is a Phony wanna be Gangster, typical California pussy that hides behind the strong Blackman image bullshit.