New Poll: Most Americans Believe The Establishment Media Is Acting As Opposition Party to President Trump.
After Donald Trump was elected as President, some so-called mainstream media gave their best effort to destroy our President credibility with their negative coverage of him.The manner in which the mainstream media, portrayed our President is disgusting. They are going after him night and day. After Donald Trump was elected as President, some so-called mainstream media gave their best effort to destroy our President credibility with their negative coverage of him. But
The manner in which the mainstream media portrayed our President is disgusting. They are going after him night and day. But actions speak louder than words, that’s why American people recognize what President Trump is doing for this country!!
A new poll sponsored by the Investors Business Daily revealed that most Americans believe the establishment media is acting as the primary political opponent to President Trump. It is obvious majority recognize the truth despite all CNN’s attempts to frame the narrative.
The TIPP poll reveals deep support for the President and almost none for the media.
According to the poll: “Fifty-five percent of the American public are weary from the media’s persistently negative coverage of President Trump. 54 percent say the media has assumed the role of the opposition party, constantly opposing the president and his policies at every turn.”
IBD announced the stunning results with a short statement: “Not surprisingly, Republicans overwhelmingly hold these views (88% say they’re tired of the [media’s] relentless negativity), but the media’s attacks are also turning off independents (55% of whom say they’re weary of the negative coverage) and moderates (54% of whom are weary). Most also believe that the press has assumed the role of the opposition party.”
The poll, conducted from Feb. 24 through March 4, included 909 responses who were surveyed using live interviewers on cell phone and landlines. It has a margin of error of +/‐ 3.3 percentage points.
The poll also showed that Trump’s Feb. 28 address to the joint session of Congress was a hit and clearly had a positive impact on the public’s view of the president. Of the 653 surveyed before the speech, just 39.5% approved of the job he is doing. Of the 256 polled after the speech, his approval rating climbed to 46.1% — a 6.6 point bump. His disapproval numbers went from 54.5% before to 47.5% after.
The poll also shows huge public support for the President’s ‘Hire American’ immigration policies. The poll found, “that 57% back Trump’s plan to hire 10,000 more immigration agents; 58% support the deportation of illegal immigrations charged with a crime, even if they haven’t been convicted; 53% back Trump’s call to withhold federal aid to “sanctuary cities.”
President Trump won the election and he’s keeping his word and doing what he said he would do.
Fact is that this country is finally moving in the right direction. No matter what theese fake media reports, we know we made the right choice!!

Natalie D. is an American conservative writer! Natalie has described herself as a polemicist who likes to “stir up the pot,” and does not “pretend to be impartial or balanced, as broadcasters do,” drawing criticism from the left, and sometimes from the right. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington.She is a “constitutional conservative”.