MSM Blackout Of Trump In Israel Visiting Emilee Imbar, A 14-year-Old Girl Battling Cancer
I’ve really am running out of words to describe how badly our president is treated from the Dems and the MSM. It’s a damn disgrace these pos so-called reporters are such evil left wing hack jobs. The bad part is their rating have gone up with every turn Trump makes. It’s even in our damn smart phones too. Total bias. I can type Obama hit space and the capitalization auto kicks in, I do trump and it doesn’t. The last thing that MSM did was that they failed to cover the wonderful thing Trump did in Israel! Yeah, you read well in Israel that was 3days ago and the MSM is still silent.
14-year-old Trump fan Emilee Imbar has been battling cancer for the past seven years at the Rachashei Lev center for pediatric cancer. Director Shimi Geshayed reached out through long time supporter Benjamin Netanyahu in order to arrange the visit – a dream of Emilee’s, who said she would be “glad to sit with you for a business metting.
The Yeshiva World reports:
“During his recent visit to Israel, President Donald Trump made a 14-year old girl’s dream come true. Emilee Imbar has been battling cancer for the last seven years, and has dreamed of meeting with the U.S. President.” “Rachashei Lev is Israel’s national support center for pediatric cancer patients, and among their hundreds of invaluable services, they have helped thousands of pediatric cancer patients to achieve their dreams.”
Major MSM blackout of Trump in Israel visiting Emilee Imbar, a 14-year-old girl battling cancer, who always dreamed of meeting him.
— Josh Caplan (@joshdcaplan) May 25, 2017
Emilee’s dream was to meet the President of the United States and she got that wish fulfilled by our incredibly personable leader. Trump truly loves kids as much as the First Lady, who seems to have had a compassionate effect on him. Perhaps not surprising, was that the entire media ignored this incredible story and act of love from our president since it’s counter to their narrative.
You can bet that if Barack Obama had done something as thoughtful as this, there would have been a media entourage in tow. On the contrary, liberals accused Melania of only being interested in the “photo op” at her frequent and lengthy hospital visits, which is far from the truth with the genuine love and concern for kids this couple continually exudes.
“President Trump chatted with Emilee, asking about her health and wellbeing, and relating to her a little bit about the immense responsibilities of being a President of the United States,” The Yeshiva World reported. “Emilee blessed and thanked President Trump, and presented him with a letter she wrote expressing her desire to meet him again – this time in the White House, where she hoped to do business with him, and maybe even to bring peace to the world. President Trump was visibly moved by Emilee and wished her good health and a speedy recovery. It was a momentous day for all.”
The local news outlet was the sole source of the story originally. However, if the mainstream media can find a way to spin this story into something grossly negative, you can rest assured that every outlet will be running it in no time. It’s disgusting that the Obamas got perpetually coverage of their fake warm and fuzzy things they posed for, but when any member of the Trump family does something actually genuine and on their won accord, it’s ignored or twisted into something disgusting that it is not.

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it’s appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn’t be censored. Join him & let’s spread the good word!
God bless his young girl, and thanks to MY President Donald Trump . And thank you for your really great children. Protect Donald jr. because he is looking very presidential and the libs will go after him with all they have.