Watch: Illegal Immigrants Block Traffic to Riot Against President Trump – They Gets a Rude WAKE UP CALL (Video)
Since Trump signed the travel ban, the liberal media strictly criticized Trump’s decision. Illegal immigrants were described by them as innocent people who never cause violence in the United States.
Fifteen immigrant rights supporters were arrested outside the Texas Capitol after they blocked traffic in an effort to defend existing immigrant protections and demand permanent legal status.
Watch the video below!
A supportive crowd of dozens chanted “undocumented and unafraid” and “sí se puede” as the demonstrators were handcuffed and removed from a downtown Austin street on the north side of the Capitol, where they had sat for about 10 minutes. The activists were led into a nearby state building by Department of Public Safety troopers and later transported to the Travis County Jail, according to The Texas Observer.
“I’m doing this for my family and sisters who are undocumented and my 6 month-old-son so he can live in a world where human dignity is respected,” shouted Manuel Ramirez as he was arrested.
He has been undocumented for 20 years but recently got permanent legal status, which was why he said he could “put (his) life on the line.”
The 15 activists are charged with obstructing a highway, a Class B misdemeanor, and range in age from 20 to 42, police said.
“After repeated requests by DPS officials to leave the roadway were ignored, the suspects were arrested without incident,” said DPS staff sergeant Victor Taylor in a statement.
“I benefited from DACA, but I knew that was always temporary and didn’t benefit everyone in our community such as my parents,” said Catalina Adorno, an activist from San Antonio, while in handcuffs. “There are some serious risks [to getting arrested] but… I know that all the small victories the immigrant community has had were the result of people taking risks.”
Liberals don’t care they are damaging this country when they refuse to enforce the law and stop allowing immigrants into this country. They are selling out our country for their own personal gain! Unlimited Illegal immigrants are wanted for two reasons, the Democratic vote, and money involved.
Deport every single one of them. The American people want them out of here. They are a burden to the American people. This is why we elected Trump. We want these illegals gone!
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Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it’s appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn’t be censored. Join him & let’s spread the good word!
Trump said a lot of things I agreed with and no other candidate was saying it. The main reason I was so supportive was the illegal alien situation and I want the wall built and I would like that to happen soon. I will work to defeat any republicans that do not support these policies.
The guy said he was pushed to the Ground// what a Liar….
The police should have warned them to disperse immediately. If they refused then riot police shoukld have waded in with batons , dogs and tear gas.
I would have called ice on them
I would direct the traffic to proceed……..and what happens happens!
their dam asses should have been arrested right away what is wrong with the police ?
Yes, they should be arrested and deported immediately…..they are all illegals or they wouldnt be doing this. They could do this on the sidewalks….
I can’t even continue watching. At approximately -13:40 into the video that person actually claims discrimination against “illegal” status. WTF? Murder is a crime; are we not allowed to discriminate against it? Rape is a crime; same question. When legal citizens of the United States break a law, misdemeanor to felony, they are punished or removed from society into prisons to protect the innocent. Yes, I personally discriminate against illegals. Boy, she fed me a great line. Go, Trump!
Just round them up. If illegal take them to the border!
Yes. This is your chance to round up illegals and to arrest them, call IsIs and get them to send them back to where they belong. It is illegal to do what they are doing. This should be a jail sentence to these stupid people. Do Not let them get away with this or they will keep on doing this.
Arrest them all and give them a criminal record. All illegals with records must be deported!!! All cannot be gun owners and lose other benefits of living in the USA
If they love our country so much why haven’t they come in legally and become citizens ? Because 90% are running from law , or can’t be bothered with protocol enjoying all the FREE amenities America has to offer , . Scum and they wind up here . Do it legally or you don’t get in ! That includes entire family . and all
Deport all illlegals and send the bus fares to the Mexican government.
They should be deported!!!
I hope they got deported after they got arrested!!
ship their sorry asses to Mexico and let them protest there
Some real head knocking is in order. What would happen if this happened in Mexico?
Deport them, cut them off of all funds.
They should have gone from jail back to the country of origin. No stopping at the house they had been occupying. No bail. No court. No nothing. Just a one way ticket home.
They know what Illegal means. They know what they need to do to become legal.
If we start enforcing our laws in the first place fewer of them will be broken.
Round up all illegals, put them on a plane and send them back home. Give the pilots parachutes and have them bail out of the plane before it crosses the Mexican border.
run their butts over. they do not have the right to take away the rights of all other Americans.
Should have just shot the lot then dragged there dead body of to tacobells