Here’s what happened to a Fox News correspondent when he covered a Black Lives Matter rally in Minnesota.(Video)
Donald Trump has accused the Black Lives Matter movement of “dividing America” amid renewed tensions surrounding police brutality and race relations while suggesting he identified with African Americans who felt as though the system was stacked against them.
The presumptive Republican nominee addressed the fallout from deadly police shootings of black men in Louisiana and Minnesota, and the killing of five police officers in Dallas, during both an interview with Fox News and a rally in Westfield, Indiana.
But even as he expressed concerns over the police killings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, describing videos of the encounters as “tough to watch”, Trump blamed Barack Obama and Black Lives Matter as primarily responsible for divisions over race.It looks like Trump was right if you look at the video below where a Fox News correspondent was attacked when he covered a Black Lives Matter rally in Minnesota.
“I think it’s certainly, it’s very divisive and I think they’re hurting themselves,” Trump told Fox News host Bill O’Reilly in reference to the phrase “black lives matter” and the eponymous movement leading national demonstrations for criminal justice reform.
“The first time I heard it I said ‘You have to be kidding,’” said Trump. “I think it’s a very, very, very divisive term. There’s no question about it.”
Asked what he would say to African Americans who feel as though the system was biased against them, Trump drew an analogy with his own campaign.
“Well, I’ve been saying, even against me the system is rigged,” Trump told O’Reilly. “When I ran for president I could see what is going on with the system, and the system is rigged.
Trump criticised the killings of Sterling and Castile as “a terrible, disgusting performance” by police. He struck a similar note while taking the stump in Indiana on Tuesday evening.
“The two people killed in Louisiana and Minnesota, it was tough to watch,” Trump said. “I hated watching it.”
![Alex D.](
Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it’s appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn’t be censored. Join him & let’s spread the good word!
Fucking animals. Get a fucking life. Find a job, work hard , pay your bills , enjoy life. No one owes you a fucking thing. Got off your ass and making something.
And they wonder why they are treated like ‘second class’ citizens… smh. Because they act like vicious vermin.
wow RACIST black lives matter people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just tell me WHEN we get to start killing them !
I have never been racist in my life but this kind of crap makes me embarrassed for the majority of black folks out there and I am a Caucasian.
That’s how they are raised, racist. BLM is a terrorist group.
It is prophecy being played out before your eyes. Read about the 7th church in the book of Revelation, it is the Laodicea. Laodicea stands for the rights of the people, everybody will be at war with each other, tearing each other down, lawlessness will increase. A man will se forth on the sense, he will bring a peace to everybody. This man of peace has many names, he is called the man of sin, the son of perdition, the beast, the anti-Christ. Are you beginning to see where we are at on God’s timeline?.
Like I said! MILITARY ticket writers! I’m sure they could LAY DOWN the LAWS, for, President Trump and VP Pence TEAMS! Any questions? 😊🇺🇸
See the thing is…if We went to WAR…I could careless about my AGE! Or Ability! I would be asking where I could HELP! If need Be! I know HOW work GUNS! You just need to take Classes! Anyone can do IT! I just didn’t get the chance to go MILITARY! I started with. Family First, no regrets! But if my Country needed me…just CALL ME! 🇺🇸
I’m SICK of everyone making, STUPID, Comments! PISS off the WRONG, Country and…yeah that could mean…WAR!
#Republican 🇺🇸
Typical BLM idiots. They are the most racist scum in the country. They make the KKK look moderate and that really takes some doing.
all black people are not like these idiots, most are decent American people, These idiots here have no life, they have no education , they are dumber
than a rock
If any one is a waste here its the DIRTY LOUD MOUTH BITCH
180 degrees. BLM is a communist, marxist, Shithole full of ignorant people, who think that just because they claim to be Black that the rest of the nation should give in to their demands. They believe that Whitey should feel sorry for the civil war which set the slaves free and that because Whitey brought them over on ships that 200 years later, 200 years! Whitey is still responsible for their welfare and lot in life. Not so!!
Sorry BLM, You are a bunch of lying riot inciting racists. And to think, it only took a Beer Truck and a Bullhorn to get this bullshit started! The person who bought the Beer is now your leader right?
Oh yeah. 180 degrees? Dr. Martin Luther King. A man I respect to this day. Unlike you BLM people, I’m old enough to have been there. I can’t help but wonder what he would think about this BS.
Out of all the blm how many are really black stand them against the wall and count them you will be shocked so get of your back sides stop all this bullshit and think of how you can help a president that has put the country first make it great again and I live in Australia we have the same problem just remember we all bleed red
You are aware that African tribes captured a great deal of the slaves they sold to the Europeans? That’s a historical fact! My caucasion family came here as indentured servants ( basically slaves), but nobody is demanding special treatment nor money from being mistreated at that time. In fact part of my family arrived after the civil war. Why should I have to pay for something my family didn’t participate in? I don’t see the blm looking at any northern Underground Railroad families/descendants who helped some ancestors escape and risked their own lives. They just see whites, A different race.
These friggin animals belong in the jungle… get your butts to work instead of demanding everything be handed to you. But then all they can do is scream and swear, so no job would hire them. Would be nice to see a 18 wheeler lose its breaks about this time and take care of the problem.
We should have picked our own cotton.
They should actually THANK the white man for getting them out of the jungles
and bring them into civilization.. Slavery was a small price to pay for the opportunity to climb the evolution ladder. If it was not for the whites they will still be living in huts in the jungle. And don’t forget they’re own people sold them to the Europeans.
These are the niggers that Chris Rock made fun of in his comedy skit. I have alot of black American friends who are hard working law abiding citizens. And they would agree these are niggers.
Now do you idiotic liberals understand?
Get off your lazy black ass and do something for America other than put it down few of you lazy black ass no good make it bad for the many Good hard working American put some positive skin in game
These people are sub human animals…they are an embarrassment to the United States, and to the human race.
Time for society to rid ourselves of this crap.
Can they scream in English, too?
I feel BLM is a hate group. They have shown NO compassion or help during the storm problems,if black lives matter,go help your fellow man to rebuild there cities. Some brainless judge also ruled the BLM cannot be sued. What a crock. Diana.
This race thinks that if they scream they are right. I have witnessed it. They get in your face and practically spit on you. That should be illegal. I don’t see how he kept him composure. They don’t know how to just talk.