GREAT NEWS! You Will Never Guess Who Is Going To Receive A Bigger Pay Raise
I wanted to start the headline with something like conservatives are cheering but this news has EVERYONE cheering!
At least the real Americans since there are many whiny liberals that will complain about this bill.
Politico reports:
The House passed on Friday a sweeping $696 billion defense policy bill that would exceed President Donald Trump’s budget request and break through longstanding caps on national defense spending.
The fiscal 2018 National Defense Authorization Act H.R. 2810 (115) was approved 344 to 81, gaining the support of 117 Democrats and all but eight Republicans.
The huge defense spending bill helps fulfill Trump’s promise to help modernize the military:
The bill would exceed the president’s $603 billion defense budget request. But it also would blow past the $549 billion cap on defense spending set under the 2011 Budget Control Act by about $72 billion. For the funding scheme to work, lawmakers would need to strike a deal to increase or repeal the budget caps.
The Senate Armed Services Committee approved its version S. 1519 (115) of the annual legislation last month. The full Senate has yet to take up the bill.
The House measure would authorize $621.5 billion for national defense programs, including the Pentagon’s base budget and nuclear programs under the Energy Department, as well as another $75 billion in war funding.
It also would tap $10 billion from the war-related Overseas Contingency Operations account to pay for base budget items, including $6 billion to boost Navy shipbuilding. The NDAA funding levels mirror a budget blueprint being crafted by the House Budget Committee.
The bill also increases pay for servicemen and is being celebrated as the largest pay raise the military has received in 8 years:
On the House floor, Republicans said the must-pass defense policy legislation is a key first step in launching a long-sought military buildup, though they have criticized Trump’s budget for not following through on the buildup he promised. The funding increases, they argued, are necessary for the military to dig out of a readiness crisis and rebuild.
Republicans pointed to major investments in missile defense as well as more active-duty troops in the Army and adding five new ships to the Navy’s shipbuilding budget. The bill also would provide troops a 2.4 percent pay raise, higher than the 2.1 percent increase requested.
The bill also would provide troops a 2.4 percent pay raise, higher than the 2.1 percent increase requested.
Democrats have insisted on parity for increases in the defense and nondefense sides of the federal budget in recent years. To ease budget caps requires 60 votes in the Senate, a threshold Democrats are needed to meet, which has given them some leverage in budget negotiations.
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Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it’s appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn’t be censored. Join him & let’s spread the good word!
Our military men and women deserve more than that. Give a pay CUT to congress and give it to our military who sacrifice far more than the humps in Washington District of Corruption.