Comey’s “Close Friend” Who Leaked Memos Went Into Hiding
During James Comey’s testimony to the Senate on Thursday, he openly admitted that he leaked a conversation he had with President Trump to the media.
However, I bet this was not the first document leaked! Comey was a prosecutor and said he wrote a memo so it wouldn’t be classified! He knows how to get around the law! He knew Trump was gonna fire him sooner or later so he set this plan in motion! And brought his friend into it!
Comey’s close friend who was asked to leak this conversation is a former federal prosecutor, and now Columbia’s criminal law professor named Daniel Richman.
Columbia Law Prof Daniel Richman confirms to @ZCohenCNN that he is the friend that provided excerpts of the Comey memo to reporters.
— Ryan Nobles (@ryanobles) June 8, 2017
But, the most interesting thing happened only moments after Comey went on television. Apparently, after Richman came forward and identified himself as the leaker in question, he went into hiding!
It was reported that Richman had vanished from his Henry Street digs by midday, and family members, friends, and neighbors wouldn’t answer doors or phone calls to shed any more light.
Come out come out wherever you are Mr. Professor. They’re all in it together, they all need to be taken down together! When the dam in the swamp will finally break, we are going to be shocked at the depth of corruption and those deeply involved. Stand by for fireworks.
How can this be tolerated in a civilized country? The left is screaming about Russia while it’s actually their own party who are doing leaks!
Comey has demeaned the FBI and the decent men and women who have diligently carried out their work on behalf of our nation. Mr. Comey will always carry the “stain of dishonor”. You, Mr. Comey, have left us with one thought…What else did you ” leak” and to whom?

Natalie D. is an American conservative writer! Natalie has described herself as a polemicist who likes to “stir up the pot,” and does not “pretend to be impartial or balanced, as broadcasters do,” drawing criticism from the left, and sometimes from the right. As a passionate journalist, she works relentlessly to uncover the corruption happening in Washington.She is a “constitutional conservative”.
Mr. Comey, I have no anamosity towards you…but, your co- conspirator fled town, He must have been in such shock as you were so casual in announcing you and he ,were, in fact, the leaker…making sure the press got it. Who started this fight? Seems more like you. You KNow HILLARY CLINTON SHOULD BE IN JAIL !..that nation watched as you did not do your job, and, we all knew it. Now you made a decision to go before the Intelligence Committe..the final nail in your coffin. YOU..finished yourself..sorry
they freaking better put Comey in jail…if nothing happens to him, I am going to scream