Entertainment & Media

Cleveland Police FIRE BACK at Browns Players Who Decided To Kneel During The National Anthem

America has had enough of these ridiculous NFL players who refuse to stand during the national anthem. But if they continue with this behavior, pretty soon they’ll be playing in an empty stadium. No fans, no cheering, no nothing. They’ll have to wonder if it was really worth it as they’re being told they no longer have a job.

According to FOX 8:

Cleveland safety forces have backed out of a plan to hold a large flag on the field for the opening game.
Some police officers and paramedics are doing something about it. The Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association and ILA Local 1975, representing the city’s dispatchers, EMTs and paramedics, said the Browns came to them weeks ago, and the team wanted city safety forces to hold the flag on the field for the opening game.

EMS union president Daniel Nemeth said it sounded great until a group of Browns players took a knee during the anthem.

“This hit home with me. I am a veteran, an 8-year veteran with the U.S. Marine Corp. So, to disrespect the flag by taking a knee is not something I was going to be a part of,” Nemeth said.

We tracked down police union president Steve Loomis out of state at a police convention.

“I’m here at a national police convention, and soon as they hear that I’m from Cleveland, the first question is ‘What about those stinking Browns?'” Loomis said. “So if the ownership of the Browns and the league are going to allow that type of stuff to happen, and then come to us and say, ‘We want you to help us with the flag,’ that’s hypocritical. We’re not gonna participate.”

The stadium sits just steps away from city hall. The FOX 8 I-Team learned the stand being made by the safety forces was discussed by the city’s top brass. A city spokesman said the police have been told the Browns will replace the officers, paramedics and firefighters with members of the military.

Not standing for the national anthem is a sign of disrespect, which should never be allowed!

If they continue with this behavior, pretty soon they’ll be playing in an empty stadium. No fans, no cheering, no nothing. They’ll have to wonder if it was really worth it as they’re being told they no longer have a job.

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Alex D.

Alex D is a conservative journalist, who covers all issues of importance for conservatives. He brings attention and insight from what happens in the White House to the streets of American towns, because it all has an impact on our future, and the country left for our children. Exposing the truth is his ultimate goal, mixed with wit where it's appropriate, and feels that journalism shouldn't be censored. Join him & let's spread the good word!

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7 years ago

If the police, EMS and fire fighters don’t want to hold the flag, why would they think the military would after such disrespect to our flag. That’s hypocritical

Toby Wilburn
Toby Wilburn
7 years ago

Its time for the fans to stop supporting these teams that displays such disrespect for our country.

William Ellison
William Ellison
7 years ago

Im a vet myself and if they don’t want to stand they don’t need to play period.

7 years ago

Hope they Brown football players who take to disrespecting our American Flag. They can rot in he’ll don’t come ask for help from this USMARINE. How about youbleabe if you don’t like those bueatifull colors of honor.

7 years ago

The uniforms of the police are FAR MORE IMPORTANT than the football player’s uniforms. The United States citizens need to think clearly about the role of the men and women who protect us………………

Peris Trow
Peris Trow
7 years ago

The military shouldn’t participate in anything for the NFL. No flyovers , not anything.

7 years ago

I am with the boys in blue f— the over paid players ……

Patricia Anderson
Patricia Anderson
7 years ago

I support the police and their stand. It’s our flag sooo many have died to up hold it if you can’t stand then leave this country !

Cindi Weeks
Cindi Weeks
7 years ago

Why would the Military be expected ti hold the flag for those udiots? Why would the Browns even want a flag there, much a large one. Just to DISRESPECT it for the world to see. They ado not represent any part of our country, the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

7 years ago

How many of those Kneeling Brown’s Players ask for protection from the Police time to time? Should they be denied requested help in the future, should the Police take their time on requests, ask for proof of Citizenship, and/or arrested as a Foreign enemy for crimes committed? Should they be forced to take the Oath of Allegiance in order to stay/work in the USA?
Should they and their Family be denied entry into any Military or Government event?
All Citizens rights should be in question.
Should they finally admit this is the wrong way to get their message across?

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