American CulturePatriot Videos

Caught on Camera: Shooting Range Fail That Should End This Relationship!

When it comes to safety at the shooting range, trust and focus are non-negotiable. But one boyfriend’s appalling lack of judgment has sparked outrage online after a video surfaced showing a moment that could’ve easily turned deadly.

In the clip, which can be viewed here, a young woman is seen practicing her aim under the guidance of her boyfriend. But instead of maintaining a safe and supportive environment, he decides to pull a reckless stunt.


While he might’ve been going for a laugh or a viral social media moment, the reality is no one was amused.

The boyfriend’s behavior has drawn sharp criticism, with many viewers pointing out how dangerous and irresponsible his actions were. One commenter summed it up: “This isn’t a joke. Guns aren’t toys, and his behavior is a red flag.” Others questioned the future of their relationship, stating that such carelessness in a high-stakes environment speaks volumes about his lack of respect for her safety.

Safety at a gun range is paramount, and incidents like this highlight why it’s crucial to take it seriously. Between the lack of maturity and blatant disregard for protocol, this guy’s antics might have been the ultimate dealbreaker.

If you’re with someone who doesn’t value your safety—especially in situations involving firearms—it might be time to reevaluate the relationship. Safety and trust go hand in hand, and this video is a perfect example of what happens when they’re missing.

George Rowe

I'm shrewd, passionate, learned and energetic, God-fearing and patriotic. I've done a fine job reintroducing good old American conservatism to a new generation of Americans. I've earned the love and friendship of many, the hatred of some, but the respect of all.

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Sandy J
Sandy J
2 months ago

Why is this Tart dressed like this at a range? Total stupid set up.

2 months ago

The Range Master should have dropped him dead,

stupid raggie
stupid raggie
2 months ago

The guy should be brought up on criminal charges. A gun range is NOT a play ground. he could have easily injured her. The spray of molten metal / crap coming from the muzzle of the gun as the bullet exits could have easily burnt her, got under her safety glasses and blinded her since it would be coming from an angle not normally encountered during a normal day at the range.
He’s a pos, needs to be dumped at the very least.

2 months ago

He’s one of those people who shouldn’t be allowed to have a gun.

Alej Marcos
Alej Marcos
2 months ago

The term “A$$hole” comes to mind.

1 month ago

Words can do no justice.

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