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GOP Rep. Kinzinger Shares “Chilling” Letter Sent To His Family Threatening To Execute Him And Some Are Questioning If He Actually Wrote It (Screenshots)

Rep. Adam Kinzinger, one of two Republicans on the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, shared a frightening letter that threatened to “execute” his family, including his 5-month-old baby.

“Here is the letter. Addressed to my wife, sent to my home, threatening the life of my family,” the Illinois congressman posted Sunday on his Twitter account.

The unhinged note, addressed to Kinzinger’s wife, Sofia, begins: “That pimp you married not only broke his oath, he sold his soul.”

The letter then goes on to chillingly warn her husband would be “executed.”

“Therefore, although it might take time, he will be executed.

“But don’t worry! You and Christian [the couple’s infant son] will be joining Adam in hell too!”

The letter:

You’d think someone so caught up in ranting about Christians would capitalize ‘Hell’, but what do we know? We’re certainly not experts … but plenty of people have their doubts on the legitimacy of the letter and some are even comparing Adam’s own handwriting to the letter.

It’s interesting:

Close up:

Same tilt …

So if you look at this letter and a sample of handwriting from Adam Kinzinger… look at the distinctive G’s:

Well, he does have a history of sharing things that aren’t real BUT we’re not saying this letter isn’t real.

Just that we understand why people would question him.

In an appearance earlier on ABC News’ “This Week,” the congressman said his wife received the letter a few days ago.

A spokesperson for Kinzinger told Business Insider their office has reported the threat, and they are “taking extra precautions for the Congressman’s family.”

(This post may contain disputed claims. We make no assertions as to the validity of the information presented by our Opinion Columnist. This is an opinion article, and this post should be treated as such. Enjoy.)

George Rowe

I'm shrewd, passionate, learned and energetic, God-fearing and patriotic. I've done a fine job reintroducing good old American conservatism to a new generation of Americans. I've earned the love and friendship of many, the hatred of some, but the respect of all.

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2 years ago

It sure looks to me as though he wrote his own threatening letter to himself. Can this guy sink any lower??

2 years ago

Crybaby. FJB.

Michael C Areno
Michael C Areno
2 years ago

As corrupt as the FBI is they may have written it for him

Tired o’Libs
Tired o’Libs
2 years ago

This guys is the SCUM of the earth! He claims to be a patriot! The people that serve with this pos know he’s just that! He probably did write it himself! He thinks he can run in IL! People outside of Crook County know he’s scum! He’s been on his knees for Obama since the Kenyan got elected!

2 years ago

Does it have tear stains on it?

2 years ago

It is Kininger’s handwriting. Did a poor job of attempting to disguise it.

2 years ago

Just check the “letter” for the residue of tears, because this POS, turncoat RINO is always crying about something.

JoAnn Leichliter
JoAnn Leichliter
2 years ago

It would be interesting to see the envelope…

2 years ago

Why is he surprised? I can’t find one single conservative who likes this spineless RINO

2 years ago

Maybe I’m showing my age here but threat authorship aside, what grown man prints his personal letters? PS, yeah, it’s very likely his work.

Captain Ballistic
Captain Ballistic
2 years ago

What a drama queen! He wrote to garner sympathy. He’ll be jobless soon. Ruby’s nail salon is hiring.

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